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8.02.2018 PP 08 Does the practice need to conduct depression screenings for its entire patient population, or only those patients who are symptomatic?

The intent of PP 08 is for the practice to implement universal screening for depression based on guidelines, so all adult and adolescent patients must be included. The practice should have a process to routinely screen patients and the frequency at which the screening is conducted should be based on evidence-based guidelines. The documented process should also include what follow-up occurs for positive screens.

8.02.2018 PP 08 What type of standardized screening tool for depression would meet the requirement for a pediatric population?

NCQA is not prescriptive regarding which depression screening tool is used as long as it’s a standardized tool. Some depression screening tool examples that would be appropriate for adolescents include but are not limited to PHQ2, PHQ9, PHQ-A, PSC, PSC-Y, RAAPS, or HEADSS. 

8.02.2018 PP 06 Would unhealthy behaviors associated with a parent’s behavior be acceptable for PP 06 since they are responsible for preventing these behaviors?

Yes, unhealthy behaviors can be the result of parent behavior but ultimately, we're looking for the unhealthy behaviors demonstrated by the patient (child). Secondhand smoke may be a direct example of a parent’s behavior affecting the child’s health and poor oral hygiene may be a child’s unhealthy behavior, but could result from lack of parental oversight or health literacy. 

8.02.2018 PP 08 Clarify the language in the guidance stating, “screening for adults for depression with systems in place to assure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment and follow-up.”

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) states that adults and adolescents should be screened for depression when a practice has access to services that can be used for follow-up, if there is a positive result (i.e., mental health providers within the practice or external to the practice to whom the practice can refer patients). To meet KM 03, practices are expected to have an approach to follow up and act on results.

8.02.2018 PP 06 What if the patient answers “No” or does not want to provide information?

Medical records should clearly indicate that the patient has been asked about the specific item by including a notation that the patient answered “No” or declined to answer. Practices do not lose credit if the patient says “No” or declines to answer as long as it is documented.

8.02.2018 PP 12 What types of evidence are acceptable as examples of demonstrating implementation of clinical decision support?

Use of flow sheets, demonstration of EHR prompts or other evidence of guideline implementation with which the provider is alerted when a specific service or action is needed at the point of care, based on evidence-based guidelines, would meet the intent of PP 12. In addition to the evidence, practices must also provide information on the condition addressed by the clinical decision support and the source of the evidence-based guideline on which the clinical decision support is based.

Flow charts, copies of guidelines or empty templates do not demonstrate implementation of clinical decision support. These items show the guideline, but do not demonstrate its use at the point of care.

8.02.2018 PP 06 Are practices required to capture information on the entire patient population for the comprehensive health assessment?

Yes. A comprehensive health assessment should be conducted for all patients and described in a documented process so the practice has relevant and documented information about patients' physical health and social and behavioral influences. That information is then utilized to provide appropriate services, interventions and resources to the patient population.

8.02.2018 PP 06 What is the required frequency for a patient health assessment?

NCQA does not prescribe a frequency; practices determine the time frame for conducting and updating patient health assessments according to a protocol that suits their patient population, aligns with evidence-based guidelines and allows for meaningful evaluation of data.

8.02.2018 PP 04 Our practice has agreements with and shares patient records with behavioral healthcare providers, but we do not share the same EHR or physical location. Do we meet the requirement for integrating behavioral healthcare in our practice?

No. Although there is no requirement for a behavioral healthcare provider to be physically in the practice’s office, the behavioral healthcare provider must have at least partial access to the practice’s systems. Although the arrangements mentioned meet the intent of PP 03 (maintaining agreements with behavioral healthcare providers), they do not meet the requirements for this criterion.

If a practice site in an organization has integrated behavioral healthcare, the other sites in the organization may receive credit if there is also a process for their patients to access those behavioral healthcare services.

 AAP resource: 

Strategies for System Change in Children’s Mental Health: A Chapter Action Kit developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Task Force on Mental Health assists AAP chapters in addressing and improving children’s mental health in primary care in their state. https://www.aap.org/en-us/advocacy-and-policy/aap-health-initiatives/Mental-Health/Pages/Chapter-Action-Kit.aspx  

8.02.2018 PP 01 What credentials are required for the care manager?

NCQA is not prescriptive regarding which clinical staff may serve as a care manager (clinician, nurse, social worker or other provider) and the practice may determine the training and skills needed to address and manage the behavioral health care needs of their patient population.

8.02.2018 PP 06 What is the required frequency for a patient health assessment?

NCQA does not prescribe a frequency; practices determine the time frame for conducting and updating patient health assessments according to a protocol that suits their patient population, aligns with evidence-based guidelines and allows for meaningful evaluation of data.

8.02.2018 PP 12 Does use of the PHQ-2 or PHQ-9 meet the requirements of PP 12?

Yes. Use of PHQ-2/PHQ-9 meets the requirement if practices demonstrate its use in monitoring depression treatment and provide an example of the tool’s implementation in clinical care and decision making at the point of care. The intent of KM 20 A is to implement clinical decision support during treatment, not for screening or diagnosis of a mental health condition. Practices that use an evidence-based tool built into the EHR or as part of a workflow in accordance with clinical guidelines can meet the requirements if they demonstrate the guideline and an example of the guidelines implementation (i.e., the tool’s use).