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5.29.2018 QI 04A Are practices required to use the CAHPS PCMH survey to meet this requirement?

No. Practices may use any patient experience survey that includes questions related to three of the four categories specified in the standards (access; communication; coordination; whole-person care, self-management support and comprehensiveness).

PCMH 2017

5.29.2018 QI 02B Are preventive care measures considered utilization measures?

No. Although effective preventive care can reduce future health care costs, preventive care measures address quality of care and are not utilization measures. Utilization measures address direct health care savings, in accordance with evidence-based guidelines.

PCMH 2017

5.29.2018 QI 11 May practices focus on improving the number of patient experience survey responses it receives back from patients?

No. A measure looking to increase the number of patients who complete the satisfaction survey would not meet the requirement. Practice should look at improving an area identified using the patient experience data collected in QI 04.

PCMH 2017

5.29.2018 QI 04B May practices use the “comments” section in the patient experience survey to meet this requirement?

No. Comment sections or “free text” questions on a patient experience survey do not meet the requirement as a method of collecting qualitative feedback from patients and their families.

PCMH 2017

5.29.2018 QI 06 Does the CAHPS PCMH Survey meet both QI 04 and QI 06?

The CAHPS PCMH Survey meets the requirement for QI 06 but only partially meets QI 04. The CAHPS PCMH Survey only meets the quantitative data requirement (QI 04A) for this criterion.  

Note: No modifications to the survey questions or length may be made. 

PCMH 2017

5.29.2018 QI 15 May a practice with one clinician provide the same evidence for both clinicians and staff in QI 15?

Yes. Because the practice has only one clinician, practice-level data would be the same as clinician-level data, and therefore count for both.

PCMH 2017

5.29.2018 QI 06 Is CAHPS a requirement for this measure?

No. Any standardized (non-proprietary) survey administered through measurement initiatives providing benchmark analysis external to the practice organization may be used to meet QI 06. Please note that the practice must administer the entire standardized survey (not just sections) so that it can be compared to available benchmarks.

PCMH 2017

5.29.2018 CC 06 & CC 07 May a practice use credentialing information to meet CC 06 and CC 07?

No. Credentialing—although important to a clinician’s ability to practice—is not a specific indicator of performance or quality information. Practices must use performance data to evaluate the quality of specialists or consultants to whom they send patients. Performance data can be qualitative or quantitative and may be gathered from external reporting sources (e.g., PCSP recognition, CMS public reporting) or may be internal based on criteria defined by the practice (e.g., evaluating a specialist’s timeliness in returning referral reports, evaluating whether patients had a positive experience). 

PCMH 2017

5.29.2018 QI 05 How can practices stratify data for vulnerable populations?

Practices select a vulnerable population for measurement using fields that are available in their practice system. Practices may use categories such as race, age, ethnicity, language needs, education, income, type of insurance, disability or health status to identify specific populations that may experience disparities in care.

PCMH 2017

5.29.2018 CC 04C May practices use a “tickler file” for this item within CC 04?

No. The tracking system needs to include a record of both the order and receipt of results. A tickler system includes a copy of the order and is removed when results are received; it does not meet the requirement of the CC 04C because it does not maintain a record of receiving results.

PCMH 2017

5.29.2018 CC 08 What is an example of an informal agreement?

An informal agreement could be a few sentences in a referral form, e-mail or other method of communication containing expectations for the specialist, including, but not limited to, the time frame for reporting to the primary care physician and specifying lab or test results that should be included in the report. This information is essential to clarify the relationship between the primary care provider and specialist.

PCMH 2017

5.29.2018 QI 04A How many patients are practices required to survey?

NCQA does not prescribe a sample size or frequency of surveying; however, the survey must represent the entire patient population and not focus on specific conditions or patient groups

PCMH 2017