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5.24.2018 KM 02 G What are the expectations for assessing a patient’s social determinants of health? How many social determinants are required for each patient? Are any specific social determinants required to be collected?

Practices must collect and document information on what may influence a patient’s overall safety, risk factors, health and well-being. The practice should consider all potential social determinants of health when collecting information from patients; however, practices are not required to have a complete list of every possible social determinant of health assessed for every patient. The purpose of this requirement is to collect information on areas that may be influencing/affecting a patient's health and well-being, many of which could be observed by the clinician/care team. Each practice is unique and there may be social determinants of health that are more common for their patient population as compared to others. Therefore, the practice may want to consider identifying common areas and develop standard questions to ask patients. However, the practice should not limit the assessment to just the most common areas or fields provided in their EHRs, to ensure all relevant information is documented in the patient's medical record.

PCMH 2017

5.24.2018 KM 09 How does NCQA define “another characteristic of diversity”?

Diversity is a meaningful characteristic of comparison for managing population health that accurately identifies individuals within a non-dominant social system who are underserved. Examples of another characteristic of diversity other than race and ethnicity include, but are not limited to, first ancestry, marital status, employment status, education level, housing status and income.

PCMH 2017

5.24.2018 KM 02 Are practices required to capture information on the entire patient population for the comprehensive health assessment?

Yes. A comprehensive health assessment should be conducted for all patients and described in a documented process so the practice has relevant and documented information about patients' physical health and social and behavioral influences. That information is then utilized to provide appropriate services, interventions and resources to the patient population.

PCMH 2017

5.24.2018 KM 02 H What evidence demonstrates use of a developmental screening tool?

Practices must demonstrate:

* An example of the criterion documented in the patient record, and

* A completed developmental screening form. 


* A report, and

* A completed developmental screening form. 

PCMH 2017

5.24.2018 QI 01 B May practices use well visits for adult and pediatric patients?

Yes. Practices that see both adult and pediatric patients may use assessment of well-child and well adult visits as two distinct preventive care measures because the two services are based on different evidence-based guidelines.

PCMH 2017

5.24.2018 KM 02F What is NCQA looking for when assessing a patient’s social functioning?

For social functioning, NCQA is looking for the practice to assess and document an individual's ability to interact with others, to maintain relationships with friends or perform work. Several scales for the evaluation of social functioning are available (e.g., SFQ, SASS, GAF); however, NCQA does not require practices to utilize a standardized evaluation tool. If the practice does not elect to implement a specific assessment tool, it may consider developing its own set of questions based on its patient population. There may be some aspects of social functioning that the care team can determine by observation.

PCMH 2017

5.24.2018 QI 02A May practices submit a measure for completed mammograms as a care coordination measure?

A measure evaluating completed mammograms qualifies as a care coordination measure if the practice is evaluating the rate of mammography results received (numerator) to mammography’s ordered (denominator). For QI 02A, NCQA wants to evaluate gaps in communication or coordination between members of the care team (providers and patients). Measuring the practice’s mammography rates does not meet the intent of a care coordination measure, but measuring timely receipt of results of a referral meets the intent.

PCMH 2017

5.24.2018 KM 01 What kind of report is NCQA looking for as evidence, and what is the required reporting period

Practices should provide a report that demonstrates they update patient problem lists based on visits, transfer of information from other providers or information from the patient. As patient problem lists are expected to be updated at least annually, practices will want to monitor their rate on a periodic basis. Practices define the reporting period and frequency that allows meaningful evaluation of data.

PCMH 2017

5.24.2018 QI 01 B Which patient populations meet the specified measures for category B?

Preventive measures must encompass a practice’s entire population and not be limited to patients with chronic conditions

PCMH 2017

5.24.2018 KM 02 What is the required frequency for a patient health assessment

NCQA does not prescribe a frequency; practices determine the time frame for conducting and updating patient health assessments according to a protocol that suits their patient population, aligns with evidence-based guidelines and allows for meaningful evaluation of data.

PCMH 2017

5.24.2018 KM 03 Does the practice need to conduct depression screenings for its entire patient population, or only those patients who are symptomatic?

The intent of KM 03 is for the practice to implement universal screening for depression based on guidelines, so all adult and adolescent patients must be included. The practice should have a process to routinely screen patients and the frequency at which the screening is conducted should be based on evidence-based guidelines. The documented process should also include what follow-up occurs for positive screens.

PCMH 2017

5.24.2018 KM 02 What if the patient answers “No” or does not want to provide information?

Medical records should clearly indicate that the patient has been asked about the specific item by including a notation that the patient answered “No” or declined to answer. Practices do not lose credit if the patient says “No” or declines to answer as long as it is documented. 

PCMH 2017