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10.15.2017 ECDS Will ECDS measures be used for Health Plan Accreditation or ratings?

ECDS measures are currently not approved for public reporting by NCQA, and are not eligible for use in HPA or health plan ratings. All measures must be approved for public reporting by the Committee on Performance Measurement (CPM) before they can be considered for inclusion in an NCQA program.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS How are ECDS different from supplemental data?

The ECDS reporting method uses much of the same data classified as supplemental for other HEDIS measures, but ECDS measures adhere to different reporting rules from those in other HEDIS domains. Unlike supplemental data used for HEDIS, data for ECDS reporting are classified by source and are used to report all measure elements (e.g., denominator, exclusions, numerator).

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS Does the denominator only include plan members covered by ECDS who are in the initial population?

Yes. The denominator should be all members covered by ECDS who do not meet exclusion criteria.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS May we use claims for ECDS reporting?

Administrative claims are considered an ECDS data source if the payment system is automated and data are accessible by the practitioner/practitioner group that is accountable for clinical services provided to plan members (e.g., if claims are used to identify an inpatient stay, the primary care provider must be able to access the details of the stay). Report all measure results identified by claims in the “Administrative claims” source system of record (SSoR) category.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 Breast Cancer Screening, Colorectal Cancer Screening, Controlling High Blood Pressure, and Osteoporosis Management in Women Who Had a Fracture The Medicare Monthly Membership File includes a run date and a payment date. Which date should be used to determine that a member had an LTI flag during the measurement year?

Use the run date to determine that a member had an LTI flag during the measurement year.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS If case management information resides solely within the plan and is not shared with the PCP, may it be used as a supplemental data source for the numerator?

Case management data that are available to the PCP on request meet the requirement for use in ECDS reporting.

Supplemental data may not be used for any part of an ECDS measure unless it meets all ECDS requirements.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS What does NCQA mean by “information has to be accessible by the health care team at the point of care”?

To qualify for HEDIS ECDS reporting, practitioners and practitioner groups that are accountable for clinical services provided to members must have access to data used by plans for quality measure reporting, regardless of the SSoR.

NCQA does not currently specify a method of data access, but a core principle of ECDS reporting is that the information needed to deliver the highest-quality care must be available to the entire health care team responsible for managing a member’s health.

Qualifying modes of access may be as simple as a provider’s phone request for member information, or as sophisticated as an integrated decision support system. The care team’s ability to access data must be documented, to provide evidence that information is available whether or not it is accessed.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS What happens if members seek services from a provider who cannot share health care data using ECDS?

10.15.2017 ECDS What file formats are acceptable for transmitting data between the plan and the care team at the point of service?

NCQA does not specify file formats for exchanging clinical information, but strongly encourages adherence to Health Level Seven International (HL7) standards for clinical document exchange (e.g., QRDA, CCD) and electronic health care information exchange (e.g., FHIR).

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS Are there standard guidelines for how an auditor determines and approves an ECDS database and the amount of provider accessibility needed?

There are no specific ECDS guidelines for auditor approval of ECDS data sources. Data sources must meet the ECDS requirements and must be reputable—containing accurate, complete and reliable clinical data. Auditors use the same validation methods as for all other data sources. For example, for claims data, auditors validate the accuracy and completeness of the plan’s claims data. For a case management system, auditors review the system, the processes for capturing data and whether data can be extracted from the system. NCQA will add guidance to audit requirements as we learn more about data sources being used.

HEDIS 2018

9.15.2017 Complex Case Management When does the time frame for completing the initial assessment for complex case management begin?

The time frame for completing the initial assessment begins when the member is determined to be eligible for complex case management. A member is eligible once identified using criteria from Element B, factor 2 and data sources in Element C (e.g., claims/encounter data, hospital discharge data). The initial assessment is not used to determine eligibility, although information gathered in the assessment may make a member ineligible.

Note: There is no “opt-in” option for identifying members.

MBHO 2017

9.15.2017 Denial Notices—Right to Representation The denial notification must include a statement that members may be represented by anyone they choose, including an attorney. If the notification states that members have the right to be represented by anyone, but does not specify “including an attorney,” is this acceptable?

Yes. If the notification indicates that members may be represented by anyone, this is acceptable because the reference to “anyone” implies “including an attorney.” If the notification lists specific types of individuals, it must also specify “an attorney.”

UM-CR 2018