FAQ Directory

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11.18.2016 Immunizations for Adolescents (IMA) The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) approved a 2-dose schedule for the 9-valent HPV vaccine in October 2016. Will NCQA update the Immunizations for Adolescents (IMA) measure to accommodate the new HPV vaccination schedule?

This question was forwarded to the HEDIS policy team and received the following response:

"NCQA has been monitoring ACIP’s review of the HPV vaccination schedule. Once the recommendation is published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the appropriate NCQA staff and panels will evaluate potential changes to the measure. HEDIS 2017 evaluates performance for calendar year 2016; measure specifications for HEDIS 2017 are final. Proposed changes, if any, will be posted for Public Comment in February 2017 and, pending final approval by the NCQA Committee on Performance Measurement, will be included in HEDIS 2018."

The VBP4P program intends to align with HEDIS; any potential changes would be reflected in the draft version of the MY 2017 Value Based P4P Manual released on September 1, 2017.


IHA 2016

11.15.2016 Follow-Up After Emergency Department Visit for Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Table FUA-1/2/3, on page 179 of the HEDIS 2017, Volume 2 Technical Specifications, indicates that the Eligible Population is collected at the measure level. Should it also be collected for each of the two rates for each age stratification and for the total?

Yes. Replace the “ü” in the “Eligible Population” row with “Each of the 2 rates for each age stratification and total.” This is how the Eligible Population will be collected in IDSS.

HEDIS 2017

11.15.2016 Standardized Healthcare-Associated Infection Ratio CMS updates the Hospital Compare information throughout the year. How can organizations ensure that they are using the same Hospital ID (Provider ID) list from the CMS Hospital Compare website when reporting the HAI measure?

NCQA will release a locked Hospital ID (Provider ID) file, along with the HAI Standard Injection Ratio (SIR) table (Table HSIR) on January 2, 2017. This will allow both the Hospital ID and the appropriate SIR to be used when reporting the measure.

HEDIS 2017

11.15.2016 Prior Year’s Validated Historic Hybrid Medical Record Results How should prior year’s validated historic hybrid medical record results be flagged for HEDIS 2017, given their removal from the supplemental data list?

Prior year’s validated historic hybrid medical record result files were removed from Section 5 (Supplemental Data) of the HEDIS Roadmap and are now listed as a data source used for reporting in Section 7 (Data Integration). Because of this change, these data should be loaded as administrative data, rather than as supplemental data, as in the past and should be considered administrative hits. This applies only to the previous year’s validated hybrid data, not to all medical record data or medical record data previously approved as supplemental data.

HEDIS 2017

11.15.2016 Opportunity to discuss a UM request Given CMS appeal regulations (at 42 CFR §422.580), may Medicare organizations give practitioners the opportunity to discuss a UM request prior to a UM decision, to meet the requirements of UM 7, Elements A, D and G?

Yes. For the Medicare product line, the organization may give the treating practitioner an opportunity to discuss a UM request with a physician or other appropriate reviewer prior to the decision. The denial file must contain documentation of this.

HP 2017

11.15.2016 Immunizations for Adolescents The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) approved a 2-dose schedule for the 9-valent HPV vaccine in October 2016. Will NCQA update the Immunizations for Adolescents (IMA) measure to accommodate the new HPV vaccination schedule?

NCQA has been monitoring ACIP’s review of the HPV vaccination schedule. Once the recommendation is published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the appropriate NCQA staff and panels will evaluate potential changes to the measure.
HEDIS 2017 evaluates performance for calendar year 2016; measure specifications for HEDIS 2017 are final. Proposed changes, if any, will be posted for Public Comment in February 2017 and, pending final approval by the NCQA Committee on Performance Measurement, will be included in HEDIS 2018.

HEDIS 2017

11.15.2016 Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment When determining the IESD for an ED visit that results in an inpatient stay, the IESD is the date of the inpatient discharge. Is an AOD diagnosis required for the inpatient stay and for the ED visit?

No. An AOD diagnosis is required for the ED visit, but not for the inpatient stay.

HEDIS 2017

11.15.2016 Immunizations for Adolescents (IMA) For the Immunizations for Adolescents (IMA) measure, are issuers required to report Combination 1 for the Quality Ratings System?

No. HEDIS for QRS requires collection of only Combination 2 and related antigens. IMA will not be scored this year.

Exchange 2017

10.15.2016 Pharmacists as Same-or-Similar Specialists May pharmacists be considered “same-or-similar” specialists?

No. Because pharmacists do not treat patients, they are not considered same-or-similar specialists.

HP 2017

10.15.2016 Types of pharmacy point of service claims included in UM 4, Element H file review What types of pharmacy point of service claims should be included in the scope of UM 4, Element H (UM 4, Element F in MBHO and UM-CR)?

The following denials (rejections) are included in the scope of UM 4, Element H (UM 4, Element F in MBHO and UM-CR):

  • Claims for prescriptions that were refilled too soon.
  • Claims for prescriptions with the incorrect dosage or quantity.*
  • Claims that were denied because the organization’s reasonable filing procedures were not followed (e.g., lack of prior authorization).

* Inaccurately filed claims that were rejected because of incorrect dosage or quantity may be considered pending until a decision is made. If the request is denied, the claim is included in the scope of UM 4, Element H.

MBHO 2016

10.15.2016 UM 7 Denial Notification Under UM 7, Element A, may organizations use a mass communication to notify treating practitioners of the opportunity to discuss a denial?

No. Organizations may not use mass communication for this element. Organizations have three options to notify practitioners of the opportunity to discuss a denial:
1. In the denial notification (included in the denial file).
2. By telephone (time and date of the denial included in the denial file).
3. In materials sent to the treating practitioner, informing the practitioner of the opportunity to discuss a specific denial with a reviewer (evidence that the practitioner was notified that a physician or other reviewer is available to discuss the denial included in the denial file).

MBHO 2017

10.15.2016 Updated: Types of denials excluded from the UM 4H file-review universe What types of denials are excluded from file review for UM 4, Element H (UM 4F in UM-CR and MBHO)?

The following types of denials are excluded from the file review for UM 4, Element H (UM 4F in UM-CR and MBHO):

  • Denials based on medical necessity.
  • Postservice payment disputes where the member is not at financial risk.
  • Denials by the secondary insurance organization, based on coordination of benefits, when the member has not filed a claim with the primary insurance.
  • Denials of vision, dental or alternative/complementary medicine services not included in the member’s medical benefits or included as a rider.
  • Denials of duplicate claims, even if there are other reasons for the denial.
  • Denials of claims for the following reasons:
    • A service included in a bundled or case rate that is incorrectly billed separately.
    • Incorrect or missing provider billing information (e.g., tax ID).
    • The member was not eligible on the date of service.
    • Nonexistent CPT or ICD code.

UM-CR 2016