FAQ Directory

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10.15.2016 Scoring organizations 100% for UM 4, Element H How are organizations scored for UM 4, Element H (UM 4, Element F in MBHO and UM-CR) under the 2016 Standards and Guidelines?

For the 2016 standards year, NCQA evaluates and scores the UM 4, Element H file review as normal during the onsite survey.
The final score will be adjusted, after the onsite survey, to 100% if the organization includes all denials required by UM 4, Element H in the file review universe. 
If the organization does not include all denials in the file review universe, NCQA will adjust the organization's final score to 50% for the 2016 standards year and 0% thereafter.

UM-CR 2016

10.15.2016 Utilization of the PHQ-9 to Monitor Depression Symptoms for Adolescents and Adults and Depression Remission or Response for Adolescents and Adults Which encounters should be used to identify the Initial Population and for calculating step 1 of the Denominator for Rate 2 of the Utilization of the PHQ-9 to Monitor Depression Symptoms for Adolescents and Adults (DMS) and Depression Remission or Response for Adolescents and Adults (DRR) measures?

As stated in the measure guidance section for the DMS and DRR measures, include encounters where a diagnosis of major depression or dysthymia was addressed. The intent is to use encounters that are associated with managing depression to identify members in the Initial Population and to identify encounters to be included in the denominator calculation for Rate 2. In the HEDIS 2017 October Update, the Depression Encounter Value Set was renamed Interactive Outpatient Encounter Value Set, to clarify that it identifies outpatient encounters that can take place in a variety of settings. These encounters must be associated with a diagnosis of major depression or dysthymia in order to meet the intent of the measures.

HEDIS 2017

10.15.2016 Follow-Up After Care for Children Prescribed ADHD Medication In the Technical Update memo, the reference to “February 28” in the Intake Period definition was replaced with “February 29” because 2016 is a leap year. Should organizations make the same change to the “Ages” criteria in the Eligible Population of Rate 1 and Rate 2?

No.  Use February 28 of the measurement year when identifying the Age of the member for Rate 1 and Rate 2.  NCQA does not make changes that impact software programming after the release of the Technical Update memo.

HEDIS 2017

10.15.2016 Comprehensive Diabetes Care In the Technical Update memo, the list of bullets when identifying BP readings to not include were revised in the Controlling High Blood Pressure (CBP) measure. Should organizations make the same change to the Comprehensive Diabetes Care (CDC) measure?

Yes. Organizations may make this change to the CDC measure. On page 143, in step 1 of the Medical Record, organizations may delete the second and third bullets and add the following bullet:

  • Taken on the same day as a diagnostic test or procedure that requires a change in diet or medication regimen on or one day before the day of the test or procedure, with the exception of fasting blood tests.

NCQA allows organizations to make this change because it does not impact software programming for the measure.  If an organization makes this change, it must do so consistently across all members.

HEDIS 2017

10.15.2016 October Release of the HEDIS 2017 Value Set Directory Where can I find the October 3 version of the HEDIS 2017 Volume 2 Value Set Directory?

The updated Value Set Directory (VSD) is available to customers who purchased HEDIS 2017 Volume 2. Go to the NCQA Download Center to obtain the file: https://downloads.ncqa.org/customer/Login.aspx.
Note: The updated VSD is not labeled “10-3” in the Download Center. Click “Download” and the file name will include the date 10.03.16.

HEDIS 2017

10.06.2016 Updated: Types of files included in the UM 4H file-review universe What types of files are included in file review for UM 4, Element H (UM 4F in UM-CR and MBHO)?

The following types of denials are included in file review for UM 4, Element H (UM 4F in UM-CR and MBHO):

  • Denials based on benefits that underwent a medical necessity review, which determined there was a benefit exclusion.
  • Denials based on failure to follow the organization’s reasonable filing procedures. (i.e., lack of timely filing, lack of prior authorization).
  • Auto-adjudicated claims denials or point of service (POS) claim denials that were not based on medical necessity (excluding duplicate claims).
  • Denials not listed above that are not based on medical necessity, such as reversals or prior decisions due to fraud or improper billing.

UM-CR 2016

9.15.2016 Mapping Facilities to Provider Types May an organization map a facility to a provider type for reporting HEDIS measures (e.g., map a Federally Qualified Health Center [FQHC] to the type Primary Care Practitioner (PCP))?

No. Facilities may not be mapped to a provider type unless an organization can demonstrate that all providers rendering services at the facility meet the NCQA provider definition defined in Appendix 3. Organizations should work with their HEDIS Compliance Auditor, who can review and approve mapping.

HEDIS 2017

9.15.2016 Direct Transfers In a “direct transfer,” the discharge date from one inpatient setting and the admission date to a second inpatient setting are one calendar day apart or less. May the admission date from the second inpatient setting take place on the day before the discharge date from the first setting?

No. To be considered a direct transfer, the admission date for the second stay must be on the same date of service or one day after the discharge date from the first stay.

HEDIS 2017

9.15.2016 ED/Observation Visits Resulting in an Inpatient Stay Many measures instruct organizations to not include ED visits or observation visits that result in an inpatient stay. The ED visit or observation visit results in an inpatient stay when the ED/observation date of service and the admission date for the inpatient stay are one calendar day apart or less. May the inpatient admission take place on the day before the ED or the observation visit date?

No. The inpatient stay must be on the same date of service or one day after the ED or observation visit date.

HEDIS 2017

8.15.2016 Scope of Review in NET 3, Elements B and C The scope of review was updated in NET 3, Elements B and C in the July release of the NCQA Corrections, Clarifications and Policy Changes to the 2016 HP Standards and Guidelines. Was this update correct?

No. A third paragraph should have been added that reads, “For factor 2, NCQA reviews a documented process, reports or materials, depending on the action taken to address identified opportunities.”
The update was intended to give organizations the option of presenting its updated policies and procedures, materials or a report showing revisions, if the intervention was revision of policies and procedures or materials.
NCQA will correct the scope of review for both elements in the November release of the NCQA Corrections, Clarifications and Policy Changes to the 2016 HP Standards.

8.04.2016 Updated: Documentation for structural requirements when delegating to an NCQA-Accredited MBHO What are the documentation requirements for a health plan delegating a structural requirement to an NCQA-Accredited MBHO?

Health plans that delegate the following structural requirements to an NCQA-Accredited MBHO are eligible to receive automatic credit, as stated in Appendix 5, Table 3 (this is Appendix 3, Table 21 in the MBHO standards and guidelines), if they meet the criteria for automatic credit. The organization does not need to provide its own documentation.

  • QI 1, Element A: Program Structure, factor 2 (MBHO QI 1, Element A, factor 3).
  • QI 4, Element B: Behavioral Healthcare Telephone Access Standards (MBHO QI 5, Element B).
  • NET 1, Element D: Practitioners Providing Behavioral Healthcare, factors 1–3 (MBHO QI 4, Element B, factors 1–3).
  • NET 2, Element B: Access to Behavioral Healthcare, factors 1–3 (MBHO QI 5, Element A, factors 1 and 2).
  • UM 1, Element A: Utilization Management Structure, factors 2 and 4 (MBHO UM 1, Element A, factors 1 and 2).
  • UM 1, Element C: Behavioral Healthcare Practitioner Involvement (UM 1, Elements A and B).

1MBHO equivalent standard/element is in parentheses.

8.04.2016 Updated: Documentation for structural requirements when delegating to an NCQA-Accredited health plan What are the documentation requirements for a health plan delegating a structural requirement to an NCQA-Accredited health plan?

Organizations that delegate the following structural requirements to an NCQA-Accredited health plan are eligible to receive automatic credit, as stated in Appendix 5, Table 2, if they meet the criteria for automatic credit. The organization does not need to provide its own documentation.

·    QI 4, Element B: Behavioral Healthcare Telephone Access Standards.

·    QI 5, Element F: Case Management Process.

·    NET 1, Element B: Practitioners Providing Primary Care, factors 1 and 2.

·    NET 1, Element C: Practitioners Providing Specialty Care, factors 1–4.

·    NET 1, Element D: Practitioners Providing Behavioral Healthcare, factors 1–3.

·    NET 2, Element A: Access to Primary Care. 

·    NET 2, Element B: Access to Behavioral Healthcare.