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12.11.2014 P4P Overview Page 7 of the P4P manual, states that quality preliminary reports are released on June 3, 2015 and the final date to submit an appeal is June 24, 2015. This does not match the dates on the quality timeline on pages 8-9.
The table on page 8 indicates that the PO Quality Preliminary Reports are posted on May 25, 2015. The first column of the table states that the Quality Results Questions and Appeals period have a June 16-24th timeframe, but the timeline in the second column says May 25- June 15th.
Please clarify the dates for the Quality Results Questions and Appeals period.

Thank you for pointing this out. The correct dates are as follows:
Page 7

  • Quality preliminary reports are released on May 25, 2015, and the final date to submit an appeal is June 15, 2015. IHA works with health plans and vendors to research and respond to PO questions about results provided in the PO Quality Preliminary Reports.

Page 8-9

Quality Results Questions and Appeals Period: IHA works with POs and Health Plans to address any data issues or questions related to quality results. Plans and POs may submit an appeal during this time.

  • May 25–May 29: POs submit initial questions to IHA.
  • May 30–June 5: IHA works with health plans and vendors to research and respond to PO questions.
  • June 6–15: Back-and-forth between POs, IHA and health plans to resolve questions or escalate to an appeal.
May 25–June 15, 2015

The P4P staff will update this timeline and post to the IHA website alongside the December 1, 2014 release of the MY 2014 Value Based P4P Manual.

IHA 2014

12.11.2014 Cervical Cancer Overscreening (CCO) The specifications indicate that three rates are reported (two rates for steps 1 and 2 and a total rate). The measure description describes each rate but it is unclear what the denominator for each rate should be. Are the denominators the same for the three rates?

The eligible population for the measure is all women 24–64 years of age as of December 1 of the measurement year, except those that meet the required exclusion. The denominator for each individual reported rate is also the total eligible population. 
The denominator for the step 1 rate is all women 24–64; the numerator for step 1 is all women who had two or more Pap tests in the MY or the two years prior. 

The denominator for step 2 is all women 24–64. The numerator is those who had two or more co-tests in the MY or the four years prior.
The description of the three rates should read as follows:

  • Women age 21-64 with more than one cervical cytology performed every three years (denominator is the total eligible population).
  • Women age 30-64 with more than one cervical cytology/HPV co-test performed every 5 years (denominator is the total eligible population).
  • Total rate (the sum of the two numerators divided by the eligible population).

IHA 2014

12.11.2014 General Guidelines: Supplemental Data The Supplemental Data section of the P4P General Guidelines no longer includes information about supplemental data portability between health plans and POs, but there is still a note referring to this policy under general guideline #49. Are plans allowed to use audited PO supplemental data?

You are correct, the sections about supplemental data portability were removed from the December release of the MY 2014 P4P Manual, but they should be reinstated.
The section under the “Supplemental Data Timeline” on page 26 of the MY 2014 P4P Manual should read:
P4P Health plans that use audited PO supplemental data should receive the audited data files and audit results from the PO by the April deadline listed in the P4P Data Collection and Reporting timeline. The health plan should receive all supporting documents for each supplemental data source (e.g., Roadmap section, file layouts, training materials, [PSV samples], etc.,) at the time the Roadmap is submitted to the auditor. The PO is responsible for sending the health plan all necessary documentation to support the use of supplemental data.

The note under “Identifying and Validating Supplemental Data” on page 27 of the MY 2014 P4P Manual should read:
Note: Only health plans that participate in the P4P program can use audited PO supplemental data for their P4P and HEDIS data submissions. The PO must provide the health plan with a completed Roadmap section for each supplemental data source, all applicable attachments, the auditor’s review findings and PSV results. The P4P health plans are not required to also collect the proof-of-service documents for these audited and approved PO data. (see P4P Audit Review Guidelines, released in November 2014).

And the following Activity or Milestone and deadline should be added to the “P4P Data Collection and Reporting Timeline” on page 8 of the MY 2014 P4P Manual.

Supplemental Data to Health Plans: P4P Health plans receive the audited supplemental data files and audit results from the PO.April 15, 2015

Please also note, that although this policy is applicable to MY 2014, NCQA is currently reviewing many policies for P4P and HEDIS reporting; we expect to reassess these guidelines and others for MY 2015.

IHA 2014

12.11.2014 Meaningful Use of Health IT The MUHIT Overview section of the MY 2014 P4P Manual released on December 1 states that POs report two clinical quality e-measures, Controlling High Blood Pressure and Screening for Clinical Depression and Follow-Up Plan in the Clinical Measure File Layout. Are health plans expected to report the two e-measures? May POs that do not self-report clinical measures submit the measures? Are the measures subject to P4P audit review and measure certification?

The e-measures are part of the MUHIT Domain, but the numerators and denominators will be collected as part of the Physician Organization Clinical Measure File Layout.

Health plans are not expected to report the measures, which will not be included in the Health Plan Clinical Measure File.

Any PO may report the measures, even if it does not self-report P4P clinical measures.

The measures are not subject to NCQA audit or measure certification.

IHA 2014

12.11.2014 Meaningful Use of Health IT In the MUHIT Overview section, no changes are listed under the Measure Updates released in December for P4P MY 2014. Is this intentional?

No. The changes for December 2014 was omitted from the final version of the MY 2014 P4P Manual. The Measure Updates for December 2014 should include:

  • In the “Computing the Results” section, clarified that IHA will solicit NPI lists from either POs or health plans.
  • In the “Who We Measure” and “Computing the Results” sections, specified that primary care physicians (MDs and DOs), including internists, family practitioners, GPs and pediatricians, will be the basis of the denominator for assigning credit.

In the “Who We Measure” and “Computing the Results” sections, specified that primary care physicians (MDs and DOs), including internists, family practitioners, GPs and pediatricians, will be the basis of the denominator for assigning credit.

IHA 2014

12.11.2014 Meaningful Use of Health IT The first bullet of the September Updates on page 154 of the MY 2014 P4P Manual states, “Starting in MY 2014, the use of a survey tool for collecting the Meaningful Use of Health IT (MUHIT) domain will be discontinued; POs will be assessed based on data publicly available from the CMS Medicare and Medi-Cal Meaningful Use Incentive programs. Only participation in these incentive programs will count as credit for the P4P MUHIT domain.”
Is this correct?

Yes. Starting in MY 2014, self-reporting POs are no longer expected to complete a survey to receive credit for Meaningful of Use of Health IT. Participation in Meaningful Use will be assessed by P4P staff using publicly available files from CMS Medicare and Medi-Cal Meaningful Use Incentive Programs. P4P staff will solicit provider NPI lists from all POs in order to assign credit. 

IHA 2014

11.17.2014 Paragraph missing concerning when UM time of requests begins in UM 5, Element C The following paragraph is included in UM 5, Element A, but not in UM 5, Element C. Should it be?

“The decision and notification timeframe begins upon receipt of the request. An organization may have procedures for ongoing review of urgent concurrent care it has approved initially. For ongoing review the notification period begins on the day of the review. NCQA requires the organization to maintain the date of the ongoing review and decision in the UM denial file.”

Yes. The explanation and requirements should be included in UM 5,  Element C.

11.14.2014 Osteoporosis Management in Women Who Had a Fracture CMS required the use of temporary HCPCS code Q2051 (Injection, Zoledronic acid, 1 mg) from July 1–December 31, 2013. This code is not included in the Osteoporosis Medications Value Set. May organizations map this code and use it for HEDIS 2015 reporting?

Yes. Organizations may map Q2051 to J3489 (which is included in the Osteoporosis Medications Value Set and is for the same medication and dose) for HEDIS 2015 reporting. Auditors review mapped codes as part of the HEDIS Compliance Audit.

HEDIS 2015

11.14.2014 CAHPS Health Plan Survey 5.0H, Child Version To collect results for Children With Chronic Conditions, more than 12 questions must be added to the CAHPS child survey. How can an organization collect results for the Children With Chronic Conditions (CCC) measure without exceeding 12 supplemental questions?

A version of the child survey that includes the CCC questions is part of HEDIS. If an organization uses the “With CCC” version of the questionnaire, the CCC items are considered part of the CAHPS 5.0H questionnaire and are not included in the count of 12 supplemental questions.

HEDIS 2015

10.15.2014 Controlling High Blood Pressure Must organizations confirm the diabetes flag through medical record review? Should only administrative data be used to assign the diabetes flag that is used to assess the numerator?

Organizations are not required to identify or confirm the diagnosis of diabetes through medical record review; only the hypertension diagnosis must be confirmed. Only administrative data should be used to assign the diabetes flag. The intent of the flag is to determine the appropriate BP threshold to use for the member during numerator assessment because the threshold for members with diabetes is different from the threshold for members without diabetes.
The only exception is if the member is flagged as a diabetic but medical record evidence contains information that classifies the member as a valid data error. To meet criteria as a valid data error, the medical record must contain no evidence of diabetes and include a notation that refutes the diagnosis, as described in Substituting Medical Records in the Guidelines for Calculations and Sampling. In this case, the diabetes flag may be changed to “not diabetic”, but the member may not be removed from the sample.

HEDIS 2015

10.15.2014 Documentation requirements for Medicaid, Medicare and Marketplace product lines Under the 2015 Health Plan Standards and Guidelines, if an organization is bringing through its Medicare, Medicaid or Marketplace product line, what are the documentation expectations for the look-back period?

For certain elements with frequency or analysis requirements, (i.e., MEM 1 Element G; MEM 2 Element C; MEM 4 Element C; MEM 5 Element C; MEM 5 Element D; MEM 7 Element C, factors 3 and 5) the documentation requirement will be limited to a documented process for the Medicare, Medicaid and Marketplace product lines.

10.15.2014 Flu Vaccinations for Adults Ages 18-64 Will NCQA publicly report the Flu Vaccinations for Adults Ages 18–64 (FVA) measure for the Medicaid product line for HEDIS 2015?

Yes, the FVA measure will be publicly reported for the Medicaid product line for HEDIS 2015.

HEDIS 2015