MY 2024 Data Submission Timeline

This timeline outlines the data submission process from September 2024 through October 2025.



  • NCQA posts the XML templates, validation files and data dictionaries for Interactive Data Submission System© (IDSS) to the data submission webpage.


  • NCQA HEDIS “Coming Soon” notification sent out to all new and returning health Plans.


  • NCQA HEDIS Data Submission Kick-off letter is sent to Primary and Secondary contacts.


  • NCQA releases the 2025 Online Healthcare Organization Questionnaire (HOQ) for health plans to request and update submissions.



  • Auditor completes the CAHPS survey sample frame validation in the HOQ by Friday, January 31.


  • Health plans finalize commercial, Exchange, Medicaid, and Medicare HOQ requests to obtain access to the IDSS and submission IDs for HEDIS®1 and CAHPS®2 on Wednesday, February 5 by 8:00 pm ET.


  • NCQA releases the 2025 Interactive Data Submission System (IDSS) for data loading and validation.
  • Submission IDs for survey measures are distributed to NCQA certified survey vendors.


  • NCQA Conditions for Public Reporting letter is sent to Primary and Secondary HEDIS contacts. This letter includes the rules used for displaying data in our public reporting programs (Health Plan Ratings).
  • NCQA certified survey vendors begin submission of commercial and Medicaid CAHPS 5.1H member-level data files to NCQA.
  • Health Plan Ratings—Plan Confirmation is required for commercial, Medicaid and Medicare. Plans verify the information that will determine how their organization is displayed in the ratings (e.g., states, Accreditation statuses and Market Names).
  • NCQA Accreditation team will send out the annual HEDIS Assessment fee invoice (accredited plans only).


  • Commercial and Medicaid CAHPS survey results are available for download in IDSS.
  • IDSS Plan-lock must be applied for all commercial, Exchange, Medicaid, and Medicare audited submissions on Friday, May 30 by 9:00 pm ET to ensure auditors have enough time to validate health plan results.
  • Health Plans submit Finalized commercial, Exchange, Medicaid, and Medicare HEDIS (non-survey data) results and signed Attestation via the IDSS on Friday, June 13 by 9:00 pm ET.
  • CMS requires a Patient-Level-Detail (PLD) file validation for Medicare submissions. Organizations must submit the patientlevel-detail file to CMS’ vendor by Friday, June 13 by 9:00 pm ET.
  • Last day for IDSS Resubmission requests for data and Attestation is Friday, June 27.


  • NCQA releases the Quality Compass® 2025 (MY 2024) commercial product line.3


  • Projected Health Plan Ratings for commercial, Medicaid and Medicare are released. Plans are required to confirm their rating and Accreditation information (if applicable).


  • Final Health Plan Ratings are posted on NCQA’s Website here.
  • NCQA releases the Quality Compass® 2025 (MY 2024) Medicaid product line in September and the Medicare version in October.
  • NCQA releases the Quality Compass® 2025 (MY 2024) Member Experience Data Set for the commercial and Medicaid product lines in September.
  • NCQA releases the Quality Compass® 2025 (MY 2024) Exchange product line in November.

1 HEDIS®, IDSS and Quality Compass® are registered trademarks of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

2 CAHPS® is a registered trademark of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

3 Quality Compass release dates are general time frames and are subject to change.

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