FAQ Directory: HEDIS

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6.14.2024 RxNorm codes for Asthma Medication Ratio (AMR) Can RxNorm codes be used when identifying the required exclusion for members who had no asthma controller or reliever medications dispensed during the measurement year?

No. Although the Asthma Controller and Reliever Medication List includes RxNorm codes, they should not be used to identify dispensing events for this required exclusion. Only use pharmacy data (NDC codes) when assessing asthma controller or reliever medication dispensing events for this required exclusion. Because a dispensing event is required to calculate the numerator, members who had no dispensing events should be removed from the measure.


5.21.2024 Inpatient Stay Value Set for Emergency Department Visits for Hypoglycemia in Older Adults with Diabetes (EDH) The HEDIS MY 2024 Value Set Directory (VSD) states that the Inpatient Stay Value Set was deleted from the EDH measure. Please clarify if it should be used for risk adjustment.

Yes, as described in the Guidelines for Risk Adjusted Utilization Measures, organizations must use the Inpatient Stay Value Set for the risk adjustment comorbidity category determination (use the Inpatient Stay Value Set to identify acute and nonacute inpatient discharges with a discharge date during the classification period). The value set was mistakenly deleted from the EDH measure in the VSD. Because the guidelines clearly state that the value set must be used, NCQA does not intend to reissue the VSD.


5.15.2024 Direct reference code 76689-9 for Cervical Cancer Screening (CCS) LOINC code 76689-9 is included in the CCS measure specification but was deleted from CCS in the Value Set Directory (VSD). Please clarify if the code should be used when reporting Cervical Cancer Screening for MY 2024.

Yes, as described in the Required exclusions section of the CCS measure, use LOINC code 76689-9 to exclude members with a sex assigned at birth of male any time in the patient’s history. The code was mistakenly removed from the CCS measure in the 4-1-2024 release of the VSD (Direct Reference Code spreadsheet). Because the information needed for reporting is in the measure specification NCQA does not intend to reissue the VSD.


5.15.2024 Direct Reference Codes Why are some codes included in the measure specification and not included in a value set?

When only a single code exists for a service or condition, it is included directly in the measure specification, and referred to as a Direct Reference Code (DRC). It is a best practice to not create value sets that include only a single code; some code systems prohibit this because it results in assigning another code (an OID) to a concept that already has a code.
DRCs are listed in the measure specifications and in a Direct Reference Codes spreadsheet in the value set directory.
For MY 2024, a number of single code value sets were converted to DRCs. The Summary of Changes – Value Sets spreadsheet indicates the value set was deleted. The Summary of Changes – Codes spreadsheet indicates the code was added as a DRC (filter Column A on “Direct Reference Code”).


5.15.2024 eGFR and uACR Timing for Kidney Health Evaluation for Patients With Diabetes (KED) When does the “with service dates four days or less apart” specification apply?

The numerator criterion is an eGFR and a uACR any time during the measurement year. These separate tests may occur on different dates.
The 4-day proximity language is specific to a reporting option for uACR, where a quantitative urine albumin test and a urine creatinine test may be billed separately. In practice, the quantitative urine albumin and urine creatinine tests are performed on the same date, from the same urine sample, to produce a single ratio. The 4-day proximity language intends to account only for potential billing lags between the separate quantitative urine albumin and urine creatinine administrative codes that indicate a single uACR evaluation; it is not intended for separate samples from different dates.


4.15.2024 SNS-E Numerator Criteria for Completed Screenings For screening indicators, which responses to screening questions meet numerator criteria?

Any coded response (i.e., any non-null response—positive or negative) on a pre-specified instrument for food, housing and transportation counts for completed screening numerators (numerators 1, 3, 5). The PRAPARE Food Insecurity Instrument question (LOINC code 93031-3) is an exception. Based on how the question is structured and responses are coded, a “No” or “None of the above” response cannot be coded and must be left null. Therefore, a null response meets criteria for this item only. 


3.18.2024 HEDIS MY 2023 Audit Timeline Modifications Does the recent guidance issued by NCQA on HEDIS MY 2023 audit timeline modifications apply to all organizations?

No. If the medical record review retrieval and/or abstraction operations for HEDIS MY 2023 reporting of your organization were not impacted by the Change Healthcare cyberattack, then the timeline modifications do not apply to you. You must follow the HEDIS MY 2023 Audit Timeline published on NCQA.org.
Affected organizations (defined above) should work with their auditor on HEDIS MY 2023 timeline modifications. All HEDIS Compliance Audit Licensed Organizations will share this information with the relevant organizations.



2.15.2024 Indication of an FOBT Test for the Colorectal Cancer Screening Measure Is documentation of “Colon Screening,” “Colon Screen” or “Colorectal Cancer Screening” sufficient to be considered an FOBT if it was completed during the measurement year?

Yes. Documentation of “Colon Screening,” “Colon Screen” or “Colorectal Cancer Screening,” with screening dates during the measurement year, could indicate an FOBT, the least invasive test that would use this limited documentation.


2.15.2024 Compliant Documentation of Colonoscopy for the Colorectal Cancer Screening Measure Is documentation of “c-scope," “colo” or “colon” sufficient to be considered a colonoscopy?

No. Documentation of “c-scope,” “colo” or “colon” alone is not specific enough to be considered evidence of a colonoscopy.


2.15.2024 Use of Continuity of Care Documents (CCDs) Can CCDs from health information exchanges be used for medical record review?

No. The medical record review process for the hybrid data collection methodology requires that information be abstracted from the medical record. CCDs are not the same as the medical record; this includes CCDs received from health information exchanges. Note that because electronically exchanged CCDs may be used as supplemental data, they are subject to supplemental data requirements.


2.15.2024 Provider Interaction with Admission/Discharge Information in the Medical Record for the Transitions of Care Measure For the Notification of Inpatient Admission and Receipt of Discharge Information indicators, is evidence that the provider reviewed the admission/discharge information required (i.e., is the provider required to sign or acknowledge the admission/discharge information after it is filed in the outpatient medical record)?

No. Evidence that the PCP or ongoing care provider reviewed the admission/discharge information is not required for these indicators. If the required information is filed in the outpatient medical record or shared EMR (accessible to the PCP or ongoing care provider) during the required time frame, this alone meets criteria.


2.15.2024 ADT Feeds for the Transitions of Care Measure Does an admission notification documented in an ADT feed meet criteria for the Notification of Inpatient Admission and Receipt of Discharge Information indicators?

No. Admission/discharge notifications in the ADT alone do not meet criteria (even if the provider has access to the ADT) because ADTs are not considered the legal medical record.
Criteria are met if the provider documents ADT notifications in the appropriate outpatient medical record or shared EMR (accessible to the PCP or ongoing care provider) during the time frame specified in the measure.