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10.15.2017 ECDS If the same data source is used as ECDS and as supplemental data, are health plans required to submit separate Roadmaps/documentation?

Plans should work with their NCQA-Certified auditor to accurately identify all data sources being considered for HEDIS reporting, whether the source is used for ECDS measures or for other HEDIS domain measures. If a plan completed an Audit Roadmap (Section 5) and will use the data source for both supplemental data and ECDS, this should be noted.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS What file formats are acceptable for transmitting data between the plan and the care team at the point of service?

NCQA does not specify file formats for exchanging clinical information, but strongly encourages adherence to Health Level Seven International (HL7) standards for clinical document exchange (e.g., QRDA, CCD) and electronic health care information exchange (e.g., FHIR).

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS Is the “care team accessibility” requirement fulfilled if a member’s health record is available online and the provider can access it with the member present or with the member’s consent?

Yes. If a member’s record is available on request to any member of the care team, the requirement is met.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS May electronic data feeds from groups that include screenings be used if depression screening results are included?

Electronic data feeds are appropriate for ECDS reporting if they include the standard data required by the measure specifications (e.g., PHQ-9 total score, LOINC code for alcohol screening performed).
 All data sources used for ECDS reporting must be reviewed and approved by NCQA-Certified auditors to ensure they meet domain requirements.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS May we use depression screening performed by case managers who are employees of a health plan and are not part of an external provider group directly serving the member?

Yes. Data collected by care/case managers employed by a health plan are appropriate, and are reported in the Case Management category in the measure report.

Care/case managers are considered part of the member’s care team because they help members manage a condition and/or their use of health care services.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS Are we required to collect and report the source vendor for the data e.g., by vendor)and source system of record (e.g., EHR, HIE, case management, claims) when reporting ECDS categories?

Details about the data vendor or source EHR system are not required for ECDS reporting, but should be documented in the HEDIS Roadmap when identifying data sources for an NCQA-Certified auditor. Use of data from NCQA eCQM-Certified vendors will ensure that measure data extracted from these systems are considered standard.
ECDS data should be categorized by one of the four source record categories stated in ECDS General Guideline 2: Data Collection Methods (EHR, HIE/clinical registry, case management registry, administrative claims).

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS If case management data are used only by behavioral health-care providers (not by primary care providers), may these data be an ECDS data source?

Case management data may be used for measures using the ECDS reporting method if the information collected by case managers is available on request to all providers treating the same member in another setting. 
Data are not required to be accessed to qualify for ECDS reporting, but must be available on request to providers providing care to the member.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS Must measures be audited for public reporting, or may unaudited data be reported?

Measures using the ECDS reporting method must be audited before being approved for use in a NCQA program. Measures in the HEDIS domain that use the ECDS reporting method have not yet been approved for use in any NCQA program at this time.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS If a plan wants to use its internal case management system as a data source, must there be evidence that data were shared with the provider?

To use a case management system for ECDS reporting, the system must be verified by an NCQA-Certified auditor and demonstrate (e.g., policies and procedures) that all health care providers responsible for managing a member’s condition have access to information. It is not necessary to track whether the information was accessed, but there must be evidence that data are available on request.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS If case management information resides solely within the plan and is not shared with the PCP, may it be used as a supplemental data source for the numerator?

Case management data that are available to the PCP on request meet the requirement for use in ECDS reporting.

Supplemental data may not be used for any part of an ECDS measure unless it meets all ECDS requirements.

HEDIS 2018

10.15.2017 ECDS How do EHR vendors submit data and to whom does the submission file go?

10.15.2017 ECDS How do vendors get the ECDS technical specifications for the submission file format?

HEDIS ECDS technical specifications are available in the NCQA store in PDF format: http://store.ncqa.org/index.php/catalog/product/view/id/2822/s/hedis-2018-volume-2-measures-for-electronic-clinical-data-systems/. They are also available in HEDIS 2018 Technical Specifications for Health Plans, which can be purchased at the NCQA store.

Complete digital measure packages for HEDIS ECDS measures will be available for download at a future date.

HEDIS 2018