FAQ Directory: HEDIS

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9.15.2022 General Guideline 32: Medicare Socioeconomic Status Stratification Which measures does General Guideline 32: Medicare Socioeconomic Status Stratification apply to?

The Hemoglobin A1c Control for Patients With Diabetes measure should be removed from the measure list. The Plan All-Cause Readmissions measure should be added to the list. This clarification will be in the MY 2023 Technical Update.


9.15.2022 Quality Compass HEDIS Benchmark Percentiles: Payers and Patient Ages Do the Quality Compass products have the HEDIS benchmark percentiles across all payers and patient ages?

Only the measures whose results were eligible for public reporting are included in Quality Compass. Additionally, certain HEDIS measures are specific to certain product lines and do not have data across all product lines. Specific age and gender stratifications are only applicable to specific measures.


9.15.2022 Quality Compass How can I obtain plan performance data and/or benchmark results for HEDIS and CAHPS measures?

You can obtain access to performance data and benchmarks via the NCQA Quality Compass tool. Quality Compass is an interactive database containing individual plan performance results for HEDIS® and CAHPS® measures, as well as benchmark data at the national, regional (Census, HHS) and state levels. To learn more about Quality Compass and licensing access to HEDIS performance results, visit our Quality Compass homepage.


9.15.2022 Differences Between Quality Compass Data and State of Healthcare What are the differences between the State of Healthcare (SOHC) report and the data included in Quality Compass?

The State of Healthcare Report includes data that is publicly available on the NCQA site. It contains national averages based on the prior measurement year and is updated once a year. The State of Healthcare Quality Report classifies health plans differently than NCQA’s Quality Compass. HMO corresponds to All LOBs (excluding PPO and EPO) within Quality Compass. PPO corresponds to PPO and EPO within Quality Compass.
To get access to the most recent data as well as additional data points such as plan level performance and percentiles check out Quality Compass. at this link:


If you would like to discuss Quality Compass further, please reach out to our Information products team by submitting a case through your my.NCQA.org account.


9.15.2022 Purchasing Quality Compass How do I purchase Quality Compass?

If you are purchasing Quality Compass directly from the NCQA Store and your organization does not require a custom license agreement, you can simply visit the NCQA Store page to complete your purchase.
If you require a custom data license agreement and have accepted the quote provided by the Information Products (IP) team, the next step is to have a customized agreement forwarded to you for the organization’s review and signature. The customized agreement will include information on the permissions, data usage and fees discussed with the IP department.

Once the agreement is signed by both parties, NCQA will issue an invoice for payment. Once payment is received, you will be granted access to the data and/or the agreed upon permissions take effect.


9.15.2022 Follow-Up After Emergency Department Visit for Substance Use (FUA) Should the Residential Program Detoxification Value Set be used when reporting the FUA measure? It is not listed in the Value Set Directory.

Yes. The Residential Program Detoxification Value Set and codes will be included in the Update release of the Value Set Directory on March 31, 2023. The OID for the value set is 2.16.840.1.113883.3.464.1004.2408, and it includes two HCPCS codes:

  • H0010     Alcohol and/or drug services; sub-acute detoxification (residential addiction program inpatient) (H0010)
  • H0011   Alcohol and/or drug services; acute detoxification (residential addiction program inpatient) (H0011)


9.15.2022 Oral Evaluation, Dental Services (OED) The OED measure references the NUCC Provider Taxonomy Value Set to identify dental providers. Is this correct?

No. Replace “NUCC Provider Taxonomy Value Set” with “Dental Provider Value Set.” This correction will be in the MY 2023 Technical Update.


9.15.2022 Quality Compass Data Usage Update What if my data usage needs change after purchasing Quality Compass?

You can contact the Information Products team for assistance in expanding your permissions to meet your data usage needs. This includes any changes to the amount of data being shared (number of indicators) and how/with who the data is being shared with (internally for quality analysis purposes, external reporting on a brochure, email broadcast, website, blog) or commercial use of the data.


8.15.2022 Quality Compass: Data Exporter What is the Data Exporter feature on Quality Compass?

All versions of Quality Compass allow users to build customized reports within the tool. Versions of Quality Compass that include the Data Exporter feature allows users to download and export those custom reports into Microsoft Excel.

The Data Exporter feature also grants access to the “All Measures Download” file. This file contains plan-level performance data for all publicly reported health plan submissions and all HEDIS and CAHPS measure results in a single downloadable file. Versions purchased without Data Exporter will not have the ability to export plan level data but will still have access to Excel versions of the benchmarks.


8.15.2022 Individual Plan Data - Quality Compass What are the “individual plan data” available on Quality Compass?

Individual plan data are the HEDIS and CAHPS performance rates submitted by health plans that chose to publicly report their results to NCQA. Users have access to all publicly reported plans in a specific product line (commercial, Medicaid, Medicare) and can easily select a subset of plans based on coverage in different regions/states.


5.16.2022 MY 2022 Technical Update – COL-E Measure In the updated version of the COL-E measure that was re-released in the MY 2022 Technical Update, the “Total” data element listed in the age column is not highlighted in Table COL-E-A-3: Data Elements for Colorectal Cancer Screening. Should this cell be highlighted?

Yes. The cell should be highlighted to indicate that it is calculated by IDSS.


4.15.2022 Data Aggregator Validation (DAV) Data for ECDS Reporting Can validated DAV data streams be used for ECDS reporting? If yes, how should they be categorized (which SSoR)?

Yes. If validated DAV streams are used, they should be categorized as HIE/clinical registry data sources.