FAQ Directory: HEDIS

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8.19.2020 Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children/ Adolescents Do telehealth visits meet criteria for the components of the BMI percentile indicator?

Yes. Member-reported biometric values (height, weight, BMI percentile) collected during a telephone visit, e-visit or virtual check-in that meet the requirements of General Guidelines 39: Member-Reported Services and Biometric Values are eligible for use in reporting. 

**This FAQ applies to HEDIS Volume 2 MY 2020 & MY 2021.


8.19.2020 Controlling High Blood Pressure Does the medical record documentation need to state the BP was taken with a digital device?

Documentation does not need to specifically state the BP was taken with a digital device or that it was not taken with a manual blood pressure cuff and stethoscope.

**This FAQ applies to HEDIS Volume 2 MY 2020 & MY 2021.


8.19.2020 Palliative Care Exclusion May supplemental and medical record data be used to identify members for the Palliative Care exclusion?

Yes. Although the required palliative care exclusion is intended to be identified using administrative data, medical record and supplemental data may also be used. If a member is identified as being in palliative care during hybrid medical record review, the member must be removed from the sample and replaced with a member from the oversample. Count the member in the “Number of medical records excluded because of valid data errors” data element.

If organizations use supplemental data to remove members in palliative care from administrative-only measures or hybrid measures, they must follow the supplemental data guidelines (General Guideline 31). Count these members in the “Number of required exclusions” data element.

**This FAQ applies to HEDIS Volume 2 MY 2020 & MY 2021.


4.28.2020 COVID-19 If an organization opts not to report for HEDIS 2020, may it use its HEDIS 2019 (MY 2018) audited reportable hybrid rates when considering sample size reduction for HEDIS MY 2020 reporting?

Yes. Due to changes in reporting requirements because of COVID-19, organizations that do not report HEDIS 2020 results this year may use their audited HEDIS 2019 (MY 2018) reportable hybrid rates when considering sample size reduction rules for HEDIS MY 2020 reporting. In addition, if an organization is required to report their MY2019 administrative rate for HEDIS 2020, they will still be able to use their audited HEDIS 2019 (MY 2018) reportable hybrid rates when considering sample size reduction.


HEDIS 2020

4.27.2020 COVID-19 If an organization reports rotated hybrid rates for HEDIS 2020 (MY2019) (i.e., uses HEDIS 2019 (MY2018) hybrid rates), can the rotated rates be used when considering sample size reduction for HEDIS Measurement Year 2020 reporting?

Yes. The final reported hybrid rates for HEDIS 2020 (MY2019), regardless of rotation decision, can be used when applying sample size reduction rules for HEDIS MY2020 reporting.

HEDIS 2020

4.20.2020 COVID-19 Why isn’t NCQA using HEDIS and CAHPS for Accreditation scoring?

Although HEDIS/CAHPS results collected in 2020 reflect Measurement Year (MY) 2019, COVID-19 is impacting key aspects of HEDIS hybrid data collection and consumer experience nationally in 2020. The NCQA ratings methodology includes HEDIS/CAHPS measures and Accreditation status. While HEDIS/CAHPS reporting remains a required component of commercial and Medicaid Accreditation, we will not calculate an overall Health Plan Rating for MY 2019, because key aspects of data collection—especially consumer experience/CAHPS survey data—are understood to be compromised by the 2020 pandemic.
In addition to Accreditation, there are two components of Health Plan Ratings to consider when determining comparability for performance assessment: HEDIS and CAHPS results.

  1. HEDIS:
    1. Measures specified to use administrative data only: We expect HEDIS administrative measures to be less impacted; however, we are monitoring them closely. 
    2. Measures specified to use administrative data with a medical record review component (Hybrid Method): We expect some HEDIS hybrid measures to be compromised, given the challenge of accessing charts for abstraction.
  2. CAHPS: We have concerns about the validity of CAHPS results because the survey is being fielded this year from February–May, during the height of the pandemic as it continues to spread unevenly across the country, with wide regional variation.

Considerations: Preliminary impact modeling using MY 2018 data has shown that approximately half of all plans’ overall ratings would be affected if Hybrid measures and/or CAHPS survey results were excluded from Health Plan Ratings. Given the uncertainty and likely variability of COVID-19’s impact on hybrid data collection efforts and consumer experience, NCQA will not calculate ratings for comparison of plans in 2020 for MY 2019. Ratings based on a reduced set of measures would not be comparable to previous Health Plan Ratings.

In addition, since NCQA will align with CMS guidance (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/04/06/2020-06990/medicare-and-medicaid-programs-policy-and-regulatory-revisions-in-response-to-the-covid-19-public), we will not require Medicare Advantage plans to submit data for Accreditation. In order to maintain alignment across all product lines, we want to recognize commercial and Medicaid plans for collecting and reporting data; however, we understand that some plans’ ability to submit HEDIS/CAHPS data might be compromised. We will work with these plans individually.

HEDIS 2020

4.20.2020 COVID-19 What decision has NCQA made about Quality Compass for 2020?

CAHPS: CAHPS survey results will not be included in Quality Compass. We have concerns about the validity of CAHPS results because the survey is being fielded this year from February–May during the height of the pandemic as it continues to spread unevenly across the country, with wide regional variation.   

HEDIS: We will continually assess the feasibility of using the data reported to us for other purposes, including Quality Compass, provided data meet our usual standards for validity, accuracy and completeness. No public reporting will be done on any measures failing to meet such criteria. 

HEDIS 2020

4.20.2020 COVID-19 Why is NCQA requiring commercial and Medicaid Accredited plans to report HEDIS and CAHPS for Measurement Year 2019?

NCQA’s Health Plan Accreditation program consists of three components that together uniquely evaluate a plan’s infrastructure, consistency, quality and compliance. In addition to structure and process standards, NCQA also requires plans to have a robust framework for gathering, reporting, analyzing and acting on member experience (CAHPS) data and health outcomes (HEDIS) measures.

Although compliance with our standards is reviewed every three years, HEDIS/CAHPS reporting is assessed annually. This assessment is two-fold: We evaluate reporting compliance and capabilities and we calculate performance outcomes for benchmarking with other plans. While we will not calculate a performance outcome by way of our Health Plan Ratings in 2020, we will still assess whether plans are maintaining their reporting and quality infrastructure.

HEDIS 2020

4.16.2020 COVID-19 If a hybrid measure has multiple indicators that were reported using both the hybrid and administrative option for HEDIS 2019 (MY 2018), how do I report it this year if I’ve decided to rotate the measure? For example, I reported CDC hybrid last year, except for eye exam, which I reported administratively.

NCQA requires hybrid measures with multiple indicators to be reported using the same measurement year of data. Because of this requirement, if you report all CDC indicators hybrid last year (except for eye exam, which you reported administratively):

  • Rotate all CDC indicators and report the hybrid data for all CDC indicators you reported hybrid, and
  • Report eye exams using the MY 2018 administrative data.  

This is the only exception for using prior years’ administrative data.

HEDIS 2020

3.26.2020 COVID-19 If organizations decide to report their audited HEDIS 2019 hybrid rate for one hybrid measure, are they required to do this for all hybrid measures?

No. Organizations may apply this exception (i.e., rotation of the audited HEDIS 2019 hybrid rate) to any or all hybrid measures as they deem necessary.

HEDIS 2020

3.26.2020 COVID-19 For measures where the data collection methodology can be decided at the indicator level (e.g., WCC, COA, CDC, TRC), may organizations choose to apply the exception (report audited HEDIS 2019 hybrid rate) to only one indicator?

No, because of limitations in IDSS organizations must report all indicators of a hybrid measure using the same year of data. For example, if the audited HEDIS 2019 hybrid data are being reported for CDC, then all indicators in CDC must be reported using audited HEDIS 2019 hybrid data. You may not just report audited HEDIS 2019 data for one indicator. This also applies to measures like WCC, COA, CDC and TRC.

HEDIS 2020

3.25.2020 COVID-19 What retrieval rate are auditors verifying against to have the rate considered low?

Auditors are not expected to validate a retrieval rate. There is no required retrieval rate that organizations have to meet in order to decide to stop their hybrid project this year.

HEDIS 2020