FAQ Directory: HEDIS

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9.15.2022 Quality Compass HEDIS Benchmark Percentiles: Payers and Patient Ages Do the Quality Compass products have the HEDIS benchmark percentiles across all payers and patient ages?

Only the measures whose results were eligible for public reporting are included in Quality Compass. Additionally, certain HEDIS measures are specific to certain product lines and do not have data across all product lines. Specific age and gender stratifications are only applicable to specific measures.


9.15.2022 Quality Compass Exchange Product Does NCQA have Exchange data available on Quality Compass?

In 2022, NCQA will be releasing  Quality Compass Exchange data for the first time. Exchange data will be available outside of the Quality Compass tool via a data file delivered on NCQA’s Download Center. The data file will contain individual plan level performance and benchmarks (averages and percentiles) for Exchange plans. It will contain results for QRS measure indicators used in the QRS Scoring program only. The Exchange data file is available for purchase now and will be released in November 2022.


9.15.2022 Purchase Order Number Will NCQA accept a purchase order number?

Purchase order numbers may be included for payment and tracking purposes; however, NCQA does not accept additional terms and conditions outside the executed legal agreement. Any and all purchase order terms and conditions have no legal effect and the license is governed solely by the terms of the executed agreement between your entity and NCQA.


9.15.2022 Quality Compass License Agreement How can we determine if the Quality Compass license agreement meets my needs?

The standard license agreement for Quality Compass allows internal or external reporting for 15 measure indicators, 20 health plan submissions and 2 benchmarks (averages and/or percentiles) outside of the users licensed on the account. If your organization’s expected data usage does not align with the standard agreement, we can review your requested permissions and draft a customized agreement, subject to a different fee structure.


9.15.2022 Differences Between Quality Compass Data and State of Healthcare What are the differences between the State of Healthcare (SOHC) report and the data included in Quality Compass?

The State of Healthcare Report includes data that is publicly available on the NCQA site. It contains national averages based on the prior measurement year and is updated once a year. The State of Healthcare Quality Report classifies health plans differently than NCQA’s Quality Compass. HMO corresponds to All LOBs (excluding PPO and EPO) within Quality Compass. PPO corresponds to PPO and EPO within Quality Compass.
To get access to the most recent data as well as additional data points such as plan level performance and percentiles check out Quality Compass. at this link:


If you would like to discuss Quality Compass further, please reach out to our Information products team by submitting a case through your my.NCQA.org account.


9.15.2022 Antibiotic Utilization for Respiratory Conditions (AXR) The Antibiotic Utilization for Respiratory Conditions (AXR) does not include age stratifications and total rate bullets. Was this intentional?

No. A correction will be in the MY 2023 Technical Update. The Ages section in the Eligible Population should read as follows:
Members who were 3 months of age or older as of the Episode Date. Report three age stratifications and a total rate:

  • 3 months–17 years.
  • 18–64 years.
  • 65 years and older.
  • Total.

The total is the sum of the age stratifications.


9.15.2022 Social Need Screening and Intervention (SNS-E) For SNS-E, are organizations allowed to count screenings that were conducted using adapted or translated versions of screening instruments?

As an ECDS-reported measure, the SNS-E screening numerator counts only screenings that use instruments in the measure specification as identified by the associated LOINC code(s). Allowed screening instruments and LOINC codes for each social need domain are listed in “Definitions” in the measure specification.

NCQA recognizes that organizations might need to adapt or modify instruments to meet the needs of their membership. To clarify:

  • The SNS-E measure specification does not prohibit cultural adaptations or linguistic translations from being counted toward the measure’s screening numerators.
  • Only screenings documented using the LOINC codes specified in the SNS-E measure count toward the measure’s screening numerators.
  • The Regenstrief Institute, which maintains the LOINC database, has indicated that LOINC codes do not distinguish between adapted and translated instruments.
  • Tool developers have varying policies with regard to cultural adaptation and translations; some state that users may adapt screening instruments, others state that organizations must obtain permission first.

NCQA urges organizations to refer to the tool developer for information about adaptations or translations that are available or allowed.


9.15.2022 Race/Ethnicity Diversity of Membership (RDM) The RDM measure references General Guideline 31: Race and Ethnicity Stratification, but the MY 2023 Value Set Directory does not list race/ethnicity value sets or direct reference codes. Are these used when reporting the RDM measure?

Yes. Use the race/ethnicity value sets and direct reference codes in Tables RES-C-1/2/3 and RES-D-1/2/3 (in General Guideline 31) to report the RDM measure. This clarification will be in the MY 2023 Technical Update.


9.15.2022 Quality Compass Sharing Restrictions What are the sharing restrictions and guidelines for distributing the data available on Quality Compass?

You can find the standard guidelines and restrictions for data usage in Section 2 of the Quality Compass license agreement. This agreement in located on our website as well as on the NCQA store site, prior to any purchase of a license. If you expect your data usage to fall outside of the permissions set forth in the standard agreement, NCQA offers customized agreements to grant extended permissions and use cases, subject to a separate fee.

If you are unsure if your use case falls outside the standard license terms, submit your question via my.ncqa.org for further assistance.


9.15.2022 Quality Compass Data Extract What if I only need access to a subset of the data from Quality Compass? Can I obtain a data extract?

If you do not need access to all the data results available within Quality Compass, you can request a custom data extract. Pricing for data extracts start at $2,500 and are determined by the amount of data requested and the client’s use case.

You can obtain a custom quote by reaching out to the Information Products team and completing a data request form that details your data needs and requested permissions.


9.15.2022 Quality Compass Data Usage Update What if my data usage needs change after purchasing Quality Compass?

You can contact the Information Products team for assistance in expanding your permissions to meet your data usage needs. This includes any changes to the amount of data being shared (number of indicators) and how/with who the data is being shared with (internally for quality analysis purposes, external reporting on a brochure, email broadcast, website, blog) or commercial use of the data.


9.15.2022 Cost to Purchase Quality Compass How much does Quality Compass cost?

Quality Compass is priced according to the number of users, years of trended data, and whether your organization needs access to the Data Exporter feature. The cost breakdown is available on our pricing table on the NCQA Store .