
HEDIS Digital Quality Measures

NCQA writes measures as computer code so you don’t have to.

Digital quality measures (dQMs) provide a digital format for HEDIS®1 measures—the kind of measures that organizations have used and reported to NCQA since the early 1990’s. NCQA dQMs are quality measures published as a self-contained downloadable package that includes the technical specifications provided in both human-readable documentation and computable specifications (i.e., computer-readable code).

Advantages of dQMs include:

  • Easier transfer of measures into your IT system.
    For years, people who work for health plans have been required to transform human-readable, narrative descriptions of HEDIS measures, into a format their own IT systems could interpret. NCQA providing the digital quality measure code means quality measures are now more readily implemented in a highly consistent manner.
  • Less interpretation, recoding and human error.
    Since NCQA publishes the measure computer code, people who work for health plans are no longer required to interpret the measure intent from the narrative, which substantially reduces the chance of human error in the process. Certification and validation of measures can now focus on the accuracy of measure implementation, rather than on the correctness of measure coding.
  • Harmonization with industry standards.
    NCQA dQMs are closely aligned with interoperability and data exchange standards so the measures are much easier to deploy, enabling knowledge to be readily shared across the entire continuum of care. NCQA dQM specifications are expressed using the Clinical Quality Language (CQL) standard for representing a clinical quality measure as an electronic document and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR). These standards enable better exchange of quality information and align with federal regulations supporting interoperability.

Quality measurement is evolving to become more patient-focused and more significant in supporting quality improvement. Advancements in digital data and measurement standards have made this possible. Producing digital quality measures is an important part of NCQA’s commitment to improve the quality of health care and a key step to fully enabling a digital quality ecosystem.



dQM Frequently Asked Questions

1HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

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