
Dr. Craig Samitt, Anthem, Inc. Joins NCQA Board of Directors

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is proud to announce its newest Board of Directors member – Craig Samitt, MD, MBA, executive vice president and chief clinical officer for Anthem, Inc. Dr. Samit was elected to the board on February 4, 2016.

February 9, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC— The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is proud to announce its newest Board of Directors member – Craig Samitt, MD, MBA, executive vice president and chief clinical officer for Anthem, Inc. Dr. Samit was elected to the board on February 4, 2016.

NCQA is governed by an independent Board of Directors, which consists of 15 members plus the NCQA president. The NCQA board represents a multi-stakeholder perspective of improving health care system quality through delivery system reform and transparency. The board includes representatives from purchasers, clinicians, public policy experts, consumer groups and health systems.

“Craig Samitt brings a unique combination of prepaid group practice and payer experience to the NCQA Board. He has deep operational experience in the design of delivery systems to achieve quality, affordable care, said NCQA President Margaret E. O’Kane. “We are excited to have him join our board at this time of change and rethinking of roles in the world of quality and accountability.”

“As our industry and our population continue to evolve, quality improvement remains a key priority for Anthem and our health care system,” said Dr. Craig Samitt, Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer at Anthem, Inc. “NCQA has led the advancement of health care quality for more than 25 years, and I am both honored to serve on this Board and eager to contribute to the pursuit of its important mission.”

In addition to the NCQA board, Dr. Samitt oversees Anthem Inc.’s medical management, health care analytics, and provider collaboration and payment innovation divisions. In this capacity, he is responsible for the implementation and execution of strategic priorities to efficiently and effectively manage the company’s total cost of care, advance the quality and delivery of health care and work to improve patient outcomes for the company’s 38 million medical members nationwide. In addition, Dr. Samitt works closely with Anthem leadership and its business divisions to develop innovations in the overall transformation and delivery of U.S. health care.

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