
Joint Statement on Digital Quality Measurement Interoperability

NCQA, the Joint Commission and the National Quality Forum commit to collaborating on interoperability standards

July 5, 2023

As leading quality organizations, The National Committee for Quality Assurance, The Joint Commission, and the National Quality Forum are committed to collaborating with ONC, CMS, and HHS to specify, harmonize, and mature interoperability standards and guidance. We believe alignment across measurement organizations is essential as standards evolve, and each organization has carefully reviewed the USCDI+ Quality – Draft Data Element List.

Collectively, we recognize the USCDI+ Quality – Draft Data Element List is an important first step to establish a minimum data set for use in digital quality measurement and reporting systems.

In future iterations, we encourage ONC and CMS to engage measure developers, quality and safety organizations, and other industry partners in earlier stages of health data standards development. In particular, we highly recommend transparent and collaborative engagement of measure developers and quality measurement organizations seeking to advance interoperable data for measures.

We also recommend that ONC and CMS develop with broad stakeholder engagement a more detailed strategic digital quality framework to support advancement and implementation of USCDI+.

Successful implementation of USCDI+ will require intentional and iterative collaboration across federal and industry stakeholders. We recognize HHS’s national leadership in standards-setting and are eager to engage with ONC as key stakeholders to inform, support, and advance the transition to digital quality measurement.

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