
NCQA Congratulates Barbara L. McAneny, MD

Longtime Advocate for Oncology Medical Home Model is Elected to Lead the AMA

June 14, 2017

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) congratulates Barbara L. McAneny, MD for her election as President of the American Medical Association (AMA).

“I couldn’t be more proud of Dr. McAneny’s election to lead the AMA,” said Margaret E. O’Kane, NCQA President. “Barbara shares the understanding that patient-centered care in oncology practices improves care and keeps costs down. Barbara advocates tirelessly to ensure the oncology medical home model becomes the norm and not the exception in cancer care.”

Dr. McAneny is an innovator in implementing the medical home model of care in oncology. In 2012 she received a $19.8 million award from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation to test how oncology private practices could provide cancer patients better care at a lower cost. This award, called COME HOME (for Community Oncology Medical Home), later helped form Medicare’s Oncology Care Model.

In 2017, NCQA released its Oncology Medical Home Recognition Program, which helps facilitate team-based care by recognizing oncologists who use the medical home neighborhood model to improve collaboration and health care delivery. McAneny was an advisor in the development of the program.

Dr, McAneny shared a personal account of her work and success in developing the oncology medical home model during NCQA’s 2016 Quality Talks event. You can see a video of her presentation here.

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