
NCQA Plans Resource Guide for Health Care Organizations

Guide will help health plans achieve population health goals

March 12, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC—The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is pleased to announce a collaboration with Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC (Janssen) to help broaden understanding and implementation of population health management (PHM).

With Janssen’s support, NCQA will develop the Population Health Management Resource Guide, a tool to support health plans in implementing the new category for 2018 Health Plan Accreditation (HPA).

NCQA, the industry expert in quality, is developing this guide based on its PHM framework; it will also align with HPA standards. The guide is geared toward health plans and will include case studies demonstrating how to achieve PHM goals.

“With shifting accountability in the health care industry, we see the future of health care delivery as greater collaboration between the many diverse areas of health care,” said Patricia Barrett, NCQA Vice President, Product Design and Support. “We look forward to completing the PHM Resource Guide—it will help organizations incorporate consistent approaches for success, moving us all forward toward achieving population health.”

“We are proud to be invited by NCQA to support this effort to expand the understanding and utilization of population health management strategies. We at Janssen aspire to transform lives by bringing life-saving and life-changing solutions to people who need them. This calls for the best science, the most creative minds and an openness to collaborate with all the relevant stakeholders within the healthcare system,” said Dilesh Doshi, Head of Population Health Research. “In an effort to contribute to the Triple Aim goals of improving patient care and population health while reducing the per capita cost of health care, we are committed to finding evidence-based solutions to population health challenges.”

The guide will be produced in digital format and will include supplemental educational materials on NCQA’s PHM standards.

Media Contacts
Matt Brock
Cindy Peña


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