
New Calendar: Mark Down October’s PCMH Congress

A new year and so much to talk about. One of the things you’ll be hearing a lot about is the PCMH Congress 2016, scheduled for October 7-9 in Chicago.

January 5, 2016

NCQA Blog – Improving health care quality

A new year and so much to talk about. One of the things you’ll be hearing a lot about is the PCMH Congress 2016, scheduled for October 7-9 in Chicago. Last year’s Congress in San Francisco was such a raging success—informative and well-attended—that it sets a high bar to clear. One more point before I continue… with last year’s event in the books, PCMH Congress is the largest gathering of professionals focused on transforming and sustaining primary care practices as Patient-Centered Medical Homes.

Now we can move on to discussing the Congress nine months before it happens. Preparations are underway to put our money where our mouth is. In keeping with PCMH principles, we want to continue to improve the quality of the Congress. That’s why NCQA wants professionals dedicated to the PCMH model of patient care to submit abstracts to present in Chicago this October.

The 2016 Congress will take a close look at the concept of the “medical neighborhood.” In this model, the PCMH serves as the main coordinator of health care among “medical neighbors” ranging from specialists, hospitals, home health organizations, long-term care facilities, and other clinical providers. Non-clinical partners like community centers, faith-based organizations, schools, employers and public health agencies can also be a part of the neighborhood.

If you are selected for the Chicago Congress, you could present in front of as many as 1,000 conference attendees. While sharing your PCMH insight, you’ll also get complimentary registration (a $1,500 value), and the opportunity to earn up to 21 CE credits.

The deadline to submit abstracts is quickly approaching: Sunday, January 31. NCQA seeks proposals for topics that may include:

  • Best practices in PCMH achievement and/or maintenance.
  • Building a transformative team within the PCMH or the medical neighborhood.
  • Clinical “case studies” or success stories.
  • Accountable Care Organizations in the PCMH/medical neighborhood.
  • The role of behavioral health, public health and clinics in the medical neighborhood and their impact on the PCMH.
  • Advances in Health Information Technology among the medical home/medical neighborhood.

Submit your proposal through our Comprehensive Session Call for Abstracts Web page. As a bonus, you may also be considered for additional NCQA educational opportunities in 2016.

If you have any questions, check out, or consult my friend, Kristin Ciszeski, Director, Educational Programming at

We look forward to hearing your ideas.

Matt Brock

Matt Brock is the Director of Communications at NCQA. After more than two decades working in broadcast journalism, Matt now leads NCQA’s efforts to develop unique content that engages and informs consumers as well as providers, plans and policymakers via this blog, our website, and numerous social media platforms. Matt’s goal is to educate consumers and to direct them to the best resources when considering quality in their health care decisions.

http://NCQA.orgNew Calendar: Mark Down October’s PCMH Congress

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