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The Policy Roundtable: ...

CMS has signaled its plan for all quality measurement used across the agency to be fully digital by 2025.

About this On Demand Training

The Policy Roundtable: Advancing the Move to Digital Measurement

CMS has signaled its plan for all quality measurement used across the agency to be fully digital by 2025. NCQA has been working with stakeholders for several years to prepare them for the next generation of quality measurement. In this course, NCQA, policymakers and leading voices in health care reform will provide an overview of the federal policies supporting the move to digital measurement and discuss implications of a more digitally enabled health care system.

Click here to access the Quality Innovation Series registration page to register or review the full course content.

Sponsorship Support

NCQA thanks MIFOinc for their generous support which helped make this course and the Quality Innovation Series possible.   

What You Will Learn

  • Outline CMS' Strategy for advancing Digital Quality Measurement.
  • Identify at least three tactics used at the state level to advance adoption of digital quality measurement.
  • Describe how policymakers are examining health equity implications in the proliferation of digital health data, clinical decision supports and algorithms.
  • Summarize opportunities for how different government entities and policy makers can work together to align a digital quality agenda.


David K. Kelley, MD, MPA

Dr. David Kelley is the Chief Medical Officer for the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Office of Medical Assistance Programs and Office of Long-Term Living. He helps manage the clinical and quality aspects of the Medical Assistance Programs for over 2.9 million beneficiaries. He provides clinical oversight of the HealthChoices program that contracts with eight physical health managed care organizations (MCOs) as well as the Community HealthChoices program that contracts with three Long Term Services and Supports MCOs.  

Working with the Medicaid senior management team over the past fifteen years, Dr. Kelley has helped to implement a multi-payer medical home collaborative, developed an efficiency adjustment program that has removed over one billion dollars from MCO base rates, initiated four pay for performance programs, developed a multi-state application for the Medicaid electronic health record incentive program, established nonpayment policies for readmissions and preventable serious adverse events in hospitals, developed telemedicine and pediatric weight management payment policies, implemented a pharmacy preferred drug management program, developed the MCO value-based purchasing program, and established the Opioid Centers of Excellence in response to the opioid crisis in Pennsylvania.  

As CMO for Pennsylvania’s Medical Assistance Programs, he helped develop quality measures for lead screening, adult dental access to care, tobacco reduction in pregnant women, perinatal screening and treatment of women for depression, and an opioid measurement dashboard. He participated on the CHIPRA pediatric and Medicaid adult quality core measure set work groups from the inception of both programs. He served four years on the National Quality Forum's Consensus Standards Approval Committee and is a member of NCQA’s Committee on Performance Measurement. He is a long-standing member and past chair of the Medicaid Medical Directors Network (MMDN). 

Prior to joining the Department, he worked for Aetna Health Inc. as the medical director responsible for utilization and quality management in Pennsylvania, served as Assistant Professor and Director of Clinical Quality Improvement at Penn State University’s College of Medicine, and clinically practiced at a FQHC, private practice, and a community-based team approach to diabetes care in a Medicaid hospital clinic.  

Dr. Kelley received his BS degree at Elizabethtown College, completed medical school at the University of Pittsburgh, completed his residency training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, obtained his MPA at Penn State University, and is board certified in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics.

Eric Musser, MPH

Eric Musser is Director for Federal Affairs at NCQA. He works with state regulators and CMS to advance the quality of managed care oversight and has spurred adoption of Accreditation, digital measurement and health equity programs in multiple states. Before joining NCQA, he held roles at the CDC and Emory Healthcare, and was a health care administrator with a group of primary care practices in Philadelphia. His passion for quality and improving the patient experience is the result of his own journey through the American health care system. Mr. Musser holds an MPH from Emory University and a BA in Sociology and Health Policy Administration from Penn State.

Orriel Richardson, JD

Orriel L. Richardson is a health policy expert and attorney licensed to practice in Maryland and Washington, DC. She currently serves as professional staff and health counsel for the Committee on Ways and Means Majority, U.S. House of Representatives, where she handles the Medicare Advantage, end-stage renal disease, program integrity, and health technology portfolios. Ms. Richardson is also lead staffer for the Committee's racial, health, and economic equity initiatives and has received many accolades for her role in fostering more meaningful engagement on these issues within the oldest and most influential congressional committee.

Orriel is currently a nonresidential fellow with Columbia World Projects, Columbia University and a Professorial Lecturer of Health Policy and Management in the Milken School of Public Health at the George Washington (GW) University.

Previously, she held positions at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She also served as a senior attorney advisor in the Office of the General Counsel for the District of Columbia’s Department of Health Care Finance, where she advised the rates and reimbursement team responsible for $3 billion in annual Medicaid provider payments. Before joining government service, she worked at the GW University School of Public Health; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine; the State of Louisiana Office of Public Health; and Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center.

In 2021, the National Minority Quality forum recognized Orriel with the Congressional Staff Leadership Award after recognizing her in 2020 as a “40 Under 40” Minority Leader in Health.

Orriel is a proud alumna of Howard University, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and GW Law School where she also earned a graduate certificate in International Human Rights Law from New College, University of Oxford.

Michelle Schreiber, MD

Dr. Schreiber is the Deputy Director of the Center for Clinical Standards and Quality for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Group Director for the Quality Measurement and Value-Based Incentives Group.  In this capacity, she is responsible for executing the quality strategies of CMS including quality measurement, and value based incentive programs to encourage the transition to value based care. 

Dr. Schreiber is a general internal medicine physician with over 25 years of health care experience.  Prior to her current work with CMS/CCSQ, she was the Senior Vice President and Chief Quality Officer of Henry Ford Health System (HFHS) in Detroit, Michigan.  Dr. Schreiber’s roles at HFHS included the Division Head of General Internal Medicine, and the SVP of Clinical Transformation and IT Integration, where she was the clinical lead of the system-wide Epic implementation. The Epic implementation and use earned HFHS a Davies Award in 2018.  She has also held senior leadership roles at the Detroit Medical Center where she was the Chief Quality Officer.  Dr. Schreiber also worked at Trinity Health System where she was the national system Chief Medical Officer, and acting interim Chief Medical Information Officer. 

In addition to her health system roles, Dr. Schreiber has served on numerous quality committees including the Board of Directors for the MHA Keystone Center & the Patient Safety Organization, the Board of Directors of MPRO (Michigan Peer Review Organization – the Michigan QIO), & the National Quality Forum Patient Safety Metrics Committee.  She has worked with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI.)  Dr. Schreiber has also served as a member of the Epic Safety Forum. 

Dr. Schreiber’s interests are quality improvement, quality measures, and the intersection of quality and health information technology to advance quality and quality measures. 

Continuing Education

This live course grants 1.0 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) points for PCMH Certified Content Experts.  

* Please note – You must attend the entire program to be eligible for total number of contact hours.

Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) endorses the Standards of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education which specify that sponsors of continuing medical education activities and presenters at and planners for these activities disclose any relevant financial relationships either party might have with commercial companies whose products or services are discussed in educational presentations.

For sponsors, relevant financial relationships include large research grants, institutional agreements for joint initiatives, substantial gifts, or other relationships that benefit the institution.  For presenters or planning committee members, relevant financial relationships include the receipt of research grants from a commercial company, consultancies, honoraria, travel, or other benefits, or having a self-managed equity interest in a company; or having an immediate family member or partner with such a relationship.

Disclosure of a relationship is not intended to suggest or condone bias in any presentation but is made to provide participants with information that might be of potential importance to their evaluation of a presentation.

Relevant financial relationships exist with the following companies/organizations:

David Kelley: None
Eric Musser: None
Orriel Richardson: None
Michelle Schreiber: None

Additional Planning Committee Members:
Tammy Donnelly: None

This program was developed in part by NCQA staff.

Event Type
  1. Self Paced
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