
Thirty-two Vendors Seek 2018 NCQA Measure Certification(SM)

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) announced that 32 vendors will seek certification for software code that produces administrative measure results related to the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) and Integrated Healthcare Association’s (IHA) California Value Based Pay for Performance (VBP4P) measurement sets.

October 2, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC—The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) announced that 32 vendors will seek certification for software code that produces administrative measure results related to the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) and Integrated Healthcare Association’s (IHA) California Value Based Pay for Performance (VBP4P) measurement sets.

NCQA Measure Certification proves that vendors have the ability to produce accurate and reliable results using their software code. Health plans using NCQA-Certified vendors save time by eliminating the manual source-code review portion of the HEDIS Compliance Audit and the VBP4P Audit Review. This year’s program includes four new performance measures:

  • Transitions of Care (TRC)
  • Follow-Up After Emergency Department Visit for People With High-Risk Multiple Chronic Conditions (FMC)
  • Use of Opioids at High Dosage (UOD)
  • Use of Opioids from Multiple Providers (UOP)

Certification also includes three new measures that are collected using electronic clinical data systems:

  • Depression Screening and Follow-Up for Adolescents and Adults (DSF)
  • Unhealthy Alcohol Use Screening and Follow-Up (ASF)
  • Pneumococcal Vaccination Coverage for Older Adults (PVC)

Testing also includes the 2018 Quality Rating System measure set, which comprises clinical measures from HEDIS and a Pharmacy Quality Alliance measure, Proportion of Days Covered.

Eighteen of the 32 vendors are seeking VBP4P certification. Vendors that choose this type of certification are testing the VBP4P measurement set.

CareSeed, LLC and Interpreta, Inc. are this year’s beta-test sites.

For vendor contact information and certification status updates, or to request an application, click here. For more information on NCQA Measure Certification programs, contact Suzanne Porter, NCQA Measure Certification Director.

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