
Twenty-Three Vendors Earn NCQA’s Measure Certification

Certified measures are exempt from source code review during an NCQA HEDIS® Compliance AuditTM and P4P Audit ReviewTM

February 16, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC—The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) announced that 23 vendors earned certification for their software code that produces administrative measure results related to the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®).

NCQA Measure Certification proves that vendors have the ability to produce accurate and reliable HEDIS results using their software code. Health plans using NCQA-Certified vendors save time by eliminating the manual source code review portion of the HEDIS Compliance Audit and VBP4P Audit Review.

HEDIS Measure Certification testing concluded February 15.

Some vendors are participating in Partial Measure Certification, which is a subset of HEDIS measures or the Integrated Healthcare Association’s (IHA) California Value Based Pay for Performance (VBP4P) measurement set.

For more information on NCQA Measure Certification and a complete list of each vendor’s status, visit the website or contact Suzanne Porter, NCQA Measure Certification Director.

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