Pediatric and Adolescent Immunization:
Best Practices and Resource Guide for Federally Qualified Health Centers
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The Best Practices and Resource Guide summarizes findings from a Learning Collaborative convened with the aim of improving rates of childhood immunizations. The Guide is written for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), care teams and organizations interested in using quality improvement principles to improve pediatric and adolescent immunizations rates. It contains strategies and best practices for improving performance on related measures, as well as ways to overcome barriers contributing to low vaccination rates. The Guide’s appendices contain additional resources, templates and worksheets readers can reference and use when conducting QI projects.
By downloading this document, you acknowledge that the Best Practices and Resource Guide and related materials found on the site are owned and copyrighted by NCQA. These materials may not be modified by anyone other than NCQA. They may be used and distributed for internal, noncommercial purposes such as educational and quality improvement activities. Any commercial use is strictly prohibited.
This document is owned and copyrighted by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). It was produced independently by NCQA with financial support from Pfizer, Inc. NCQA does not endorse any Pfizer products or services. Pfizer did not provide input into this document.