
Process to Become an NCQA PCMH Certified Content Expert

CCEs are important partners for practices looking to transform into an NCQA-Recognized PCMH. NCQA PCMH Content Expert Certification sets you apart from other medical home coaches and facilitators.

Follow These Steps to Become a PCMH Certified Content ExpertTM

  1. Order the PCMH Content Expert Certification Handbook.

    Download the handbook and begin to review the requirements.

  2. Attend NCQA Educational Seminars.

    NCQA Content Expert Certification candidates must attend two NCQA education seminars, to learn about the PCMH Recognition program from subject matter experts:

  3. Complete Online Application.

    You are considered an eligible candidate once you complete the educational requirements.

    Your name and information will then be upload to the PSI/AMP application system (NCQA’s exam vendor).

    PSI/AMP will notify you via e-mail to confirm your eligibility to apply for the exam. Complete the application, pay the fees and select an exam location, date and time. Exams are by appointment and based on availability. The application and exam fee is $395.

  4. Prepare for the Exam.

    The exam is 3 hours in duration and there are 150 multiple-choice questions.

    The exam covers the following topics:

    1. PCMH Overview
    2. Eligibility and Application Process
    3. The Recognition Process—Transformation
    4. PCMH Distinction Modules
    5. Evidence
    6. Annual Report to Sustain Recognition
    7. PCMH Standards, 2017 Edition

    View sample exam items. View the authorized exam materials that are permitted.

  5. Schedule Your Exam.

    The computer-based PCMH Content Expert Certification exam is offered quarterly at secure testing locations across the country. Take Authorized Exam Materials to your appointment.

    Phone 888-519-9901 to schedule, or schedule online).

  6. Obtain Your New PCMH CCE Credential and Certificate.

    Certification is valid for two years.

    Within 30 days of passing the exam, candidates receive a welcome email with information and instructions for how to download resources as well as download an electronic version of the CEC certificate.

  7. Maintain and Renew Your Certification.

    CCEs are required to continue their education throughout their certification period.

    Thirty (30) CEUs are required during the two-year period. At the end of your two-year certification, renew and maintain your PCMH Content Expert Certification credential. Review additional information.

  8. Promoting Your CCE Status.

    PCMH CCEs are listed on NCQA’s website throughout the active certification period.

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