
Medical Board Maintenance of Certification Credits

Many clinicians can receive board maintenance of certification credits for practicing within an NCQA-Recognized PCMH.

Many clinicians can earn maintenence of certification credits from medical boards just for practicing within an NCQA-recognized patient-centered medical home. Review the following minimum criteria a physician must meet to receive MOC credit for NCQA recognition. Then, locate information pertaining to a specific board in the table below.

  • The physician is board-certified by a board that currently provides credit for NCQA Recognition (The table below includes all boards currently providing credit.)
  • The physician is or was recently working at a practice that achieved NCQA recognition (initial or renewal) after January 1, 2017
  • The physician meaningfully participated in the quality improvement activity portion of the recognition (PCMH, PCSP only)
  • The physician (or person completing NCQA application) fully and accurately completed MOC-related fields in the NCQA application, at a minimum, including the physician’s six-digit board ID number and date of birth.
BoardPrograms EligibleCycleType of CreditPointsHow to Receive Credit
American Board of Family MedicineDRP/HSRP/PCMHInitial; RenewalPerformance Improvement20 pts. eachPhysicians self-report participation. Requirements vary. See for reporting tools and requirements. Contact  Ann Williamson with questions.
American Board of Internal MedicinePCMH 2014; PCMH 2017; PCSP 2013; PCSP 2016Initial; RenewalPractice Assessment20 pts.NCQA reports physician completion data directly to the ABIM within 30 days of recognition.  Log in to your ABIM account account  to view awarded credit. Practices that neglect to submit required MOC data fields in their NCQA application will not receive credit or have completion data sent to the ABIM.
American Board of PediatricsPCMH 2014; PCMH 2017Initial; RenewalPart IV; Meets board patient safety requirement40 pts.Submit NCQA recognition certificate to the ABP by   Logging in to your ABP Account. 
American Board of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationPCMH 2014; PCMH 2017; PCSP 2013; PCSP 2017Initial; RenewalPart IVMeets Full Req.NCQA reports physician completion data directly to the ABPMR within 30 days of recognition. Log in to your ABPMR account account  to view awarded credit. Practices that neglect to submit required MOC data fields in their NCQA application will not receive credit or have completion data sent to the ABPMR.


To receive credit for your NCQA recognition, you must have achieved recognition after January 1st of the current year. (Boards will not award credit for old recognitions, but you can receive credit when you renew your recognition.)

To ensure you are eligible to receive board credit for your NCQA recognition, please ensure all required MOC fields are completed fully and accurately when enrolling in recognition.

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