
PCMH Standardized Measurement

Starting the 2024 reporting year, NCQA is requiring standardized measures for PCMH QI 01, QI 02, AR QI 1, AR QI 2, BH 17 and AR BH. As a part of standardized measures reporting, practices will be required to submit the previous calendar year’s data (Jan 1 – Dec 31) unless otherwise specified in the measure description. Standardized measures are measures which are validated by a measure steward and have specific parameters for reporting. For PCMH, practices should utilize the specifications of electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) which were designed to be applied at the practice or clinician level of reporting. Specifications for these measures can be found at the eCQI Resource Center’s website.

PCMH Supported Measures

Reporting Exceptions

In 2024, standardized measures reporting will be required for all practices seeking or renewing their recognition status. NCQA will allow exceptions to standardized measures reporting and will permit practices to submit custom measures in a few unique cases:

  • Pediatric practices will be permitted to submit a custom measure for the chronic or acute component in QI 01 as there are currently no approved standardized measures for chronic or acute care for pediatric populations.
  • In the event that no measures within a measure category are relevant to your patient population, please submit a case detailing why. Also include the measure name and the numerator and denominator descriptions of the custom measure the practice would like to submit for consideration.

As a part of standardized measures reporting, practices will be required to submit a full calendar year’s data (Jan 1 – Dec 31) unless otherwise specified in the measure description. NCQA recognizes that there can be unique challenges to obtaining a full calendar year of data if a practice were to change vendors mid-year. In such instances, NCQA may grant an exception to full calendar year reporting.

Please note that exceptions to standardized measures for 2024 reporting will be granted on a case-by-case basis. If a practice meets the exception criteria outlined above or faces other barriers that prevent the reporting of standardized measures, then they are asked to submit a PCS ticket through MyNCQA for consideration.


The following resource may be used to explore measure specifications.

eCQI Resource Center: A resource website from The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. Contains the most current resources to support electronic clinical quality improvement (eCQI).

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