
Timeline for Earning Recognition

Process and timing for earning PCSP Recognition for the first time.

Below is the process and recommended timeline for earning NCQA PCSP Recognition for practices not currently recognized by NCQA.

Learn the RequirementsDownload the Standards and Guidelines Document and begin learning the concept areas and required criteria.9-12 months
Apply criteria to your practiceImplement changes in your practice that align with NCQA concepts and criteria. Decide which elective requirements you want to submit and plan how you want to demonstrate your evidence.
  • For certain requirements, you will need to upload evidence such as policies and procedures.
  • For other requirements, you may demonstrate them in real time during the virtual check-in through screen-sharing technology.
Since your reviews will be virtual, you will be able to show your evaluator real-time screens of your electronic medical records (EMR) or other information during your review, rather than uploading documentation in advance.
9-12 months
Enroll through Q-PASSCreate a Q-PASS account at Q-PASS is the web-based platform that will be used to submit all documentation and data to NCQA as well as manage your recognition process.

Once you have an account, you can enroll in Recognition in Q-PASS. This officially starts the recognition process. From this point, your practice has 12 months and 3 check-ins to complete the recognition process. Be certain before enrolling that you are prepared to complete the recognition process within this window.
9+ months
Enroll through Q-PASSEnroll in Recognition through Q-PASS. This officially starts the recognition process. From this point, your practice has 12 months and 3 virtual reviews to complete the recognition process. Be certain before enrolling that you are prepared to complete the recognition process within this window.6-9 months
Kick Off Call with NCQA RepresentativeYou will be assigned an NCQA Representative who will walk you through the recognition process and work with you to plan dates for your virtual reviews. If you have more than one site, your representative can provide you guidance on setting up site groups and sharing evidence across sites.6-9 months
Virtual Reviews (Up to 3)Participate in up to 3 virtual reviews. Demonstrate that you are embracing measurement and quality improvement via virtual reviews. Virtual review must be scheduled 30 days in advance of desired review date.1-5 months
Submit for RecognitionOnce your virtual reviews are complete and you have met enough criteria to earn NCQA Recognition, you formally submit for Recognition through Q-PASS.1 month
Earn RecognitionNCQA reviews your submission one last time and notifies the practice of its recognition status.0 months
Print Your Recognition CertificateOnce notified of recognition, go into Q-PASS and print Recognition Certificate (from the My Evaluation screen).0 months
Annual ReportingYour practice performs ongoing quality improvement and submits evidence of this during Annual Reporting to sustain recognition and succeed as a NCQA Recognized practice.11 months after your recognition date
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