Training & Technical Assistance for HRSA PCMH Support

NCQA provides education, training and technical assistance to community health centers and Look-Alikes that want to become an NCQA-Recognized PCMH or maintain their Recognition.


NCQA Office Hours—interactive technical assistance sessions—are held virtually each month.

  • Behavioral Health Distinction – July 24, 2024 @ 2:00pm ET
    During this webinar, you’ll hear from the NCQA team about how the Behavioral Health Distinction program can improve medical home operations and how health centers are already showing strengths in these areas.
    Register Now
  • Update on 2025 Standards – August 13, 2024 @11:30am ET
    During this webinar, you’ll hear the NCQA team provide an overview of the 2025 PMCH standards; and provide answers to your questions.
    Register Now


  • Closing Care Gaps – This training features how the Patient-Centered Medical Home model can help health centers engage patients to ensure routine preventive services, like cancer screenings, are back on track following the crisis of the COVID pandemic.


  • Annual Reporting Process Refresher – June 18, 2024
    As part of maintaining your PCMH recognition, each year your practice will undergo an Annual Reporting process. You will attest to continuing to meet PCMH criteria and submit data and some documentation. This process is not as involved as initial recognition, but it maintains a practice’s recognition and encourages continuous improvement.
  • Technical Assistance Around Congenital Syphilis – May 21, 2024
    During this office hours we will see how the PCMH care model can be applied to emerging health issues that require immediate attention. In response to the surging number of syphilis and congenital syphilis cases nationwide, HHS is taking action to slow the spread with a focus on those most significantly impacted. Please join May’s Office Hours as we discuss early screening, diagnosis and treatment of congenital syphilis and how the PCMH care model can be utilized to address the issue.
  • Key Process ReviewApril 16, 2024
    During this webinar, NCQA will review the key processes needed to secure HRSA sponsorship to achieve and/or sustain PCMH recognition. We will discuss the Notice of Intent (NOI) process, how to use the HRSA discount code, and the importance of inputting an accurate grant number (HRSA-H code) and BPHC Site ID’s in Q-PASS.
  • Lessons from NCQA’s Annual Analysis of PCMH Performance –  March 19, 2024
    During this webinar NCQA will review findings from its annual analysis comparing health center and private practice performance in PCMH Transforming Surveys, highlighting areas of key strength arising from the health center model.  By the end of this session you should have a better understanding of the trends NCQA sees in their PCMH centers and to use this information to see what would work in your health center.
  • Use of Standardized Measures in Annual ReportingFebruary 13, 2024
    Join NCQA as they review the 2024 standardized measure requirements for sites seeking to renew their recognition and will be able to answer any questions you may have about the process.
  • PCMH Self AssessmentJanuary 16, 2024
    Thinking of getting PCMH Recognition for the first time or re-applying for Recognition after a lapse? NCQA provides a number of resources, contained within the PCMH Standards & Guidelines, to help you assess gaps in your health center’s practices and begin formulating a plan of action to create, organize and present evidence that your center meets NCQA’s standards. In this office hours, we’ll review those resources and give you a head start on your transformation journey.
  • File Management ReviewNovember 16, 2023
    In this office hours, we’ll review the mechanisms to provide data on care management processes during either a Transforming or Annual Reporting review, with an emphasis on the file review method to gather evidence directly from patient records (in a HIPAA compliant manner).
  • PCMH Behavioral Health DistinctionOctober 17, 2023
    In this office hours, we’ll discuss the Behavioral Health Distinction within the PCMH Recognition program, how health centers are among the most common recipients of this Distinction and how integrated behavioral health services are a key strength of the health center model.
  • 2023 PCMH RequirementsAugust 8, 2023
    During this webinar, you’ll hear the NCQA team provide an overview of the 2023 PCMH requirements; and provide answers to your questions.
  • Q-PASS Refresher and Q&AApril 4, 2023
    During this webinar, NCQA will provide an overview of recent updates to Q-PASS system.
  • Understanding Workforce NeedsFebruary 14, 2023
    During this webinar, NCQA will address health center workforce challenges, their impacts on center operations, and provide guidance from the PCMH standards on handling operations with resource constraints. Session will also include live polling and Q&A!
  • Lessons Learned from the HRSA Coaching PilotMarch 15, 2023
    During this webinar NCQA will review lessons learned from HRSA PCMH Coaching pilot followed by live Q&A session.
  • Health Center Strengths – January 10, 2023
    Featured Topic: Lessons from NCQA’s Annual Analysis of PCMH Performance
    During this webinar NCQA reviews findings from its annual analysis comparing health center and private practice performance in PCMH Transforming Surveys, highlighting areas of key strength arising from the health center model.
  • Care Management in PCMH – December 12, 2022
    During this session NCQA staff discuss identifying patients for care management and how to establish a person-centered care plan for patients in care management that includes patient preference, functional/lifestyle goals, potential barriers and self-management.
  • Q-PASS Process for HRSA Look- Alikes (LALs) – October 12, 2022
    During this session, NCQA staff will provide an overview and live demonstration of the Quality Assessment Performance System (Q-PASS) for Look-Alikes (LAL). The demonstration will include how LALs can complete the enrollment process and use the HRSA sponsor code for payment.


  • Care Management and PCMH – June 4, 2024
    Learn the importance of Care Management in the PCMH model and hear from staff about the role it plays in PMCH Recognition. In this training NCQA staff will delve into topics like the creation and maintenance of care plans and the use of NCQA’s file review process to assess your practice’s care management operations and provide evidence that you’re meeting criteria.
  • Care Management – September 12, 2023
    Care management is an important aspect of the PCMH model. It is also a resource-intensive feature of a medical practice that can be negatively impacted by staffing shortages, resource limitations and pandemic challenges. In this training, which focuses on community health centers, NCQA staff review core and elective criteria, and an experienced PCMH CCE provides guidance and tips that can help a practice’s care management services both meet NCQA standards and provide superior patient care and engagement.
  • PCMH Video Series Premiere – November 14, 2022
    This training focused on the HRSA sponsored video series on PCMH Recognition for Health Centers. The videos were created in 2022 and highlighted health centers demonstrating the attributes and principals defined by the PCMH Recognition program.
  • Kidney Health Resources – September 19, 2022
    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common, but under-recognized condition affecting over 37 million adults in the US. NCQA, along with CMS Office of Minority Health and Bayer Pharmaceuticals, created resources to improve the quality of care for patients with CKD. Join us for a walk through and discussion of the available resources.
  • Person-Centered Outcomes – March 2022
    Individuals’ priorities and health goals should guide their care. However, most existing care approaches do not effectively take into consideration what is most important to the individual. Through exploratory research, NCQA identified a promising approach for developing individualized outcomes—person-driven outcomes.


The Health Center Perspective on PCMH

Animated Videos on Key PCMH Recognition Processes and Systems


The NCQA PCMH Content Expert Certification program certifies individuals who demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the patient-centered medical home model of care and the NCQA PCMH Recognition program, including mastery of the NCQA concepts, criteria and the PCMH Recognition process.

If you are interested in pursuing the CCE credential, you can find the handbook and information at Certified Content Expert (CCE) – NCQA.

Who Are CCEs?

  • PCMH staff and consultants who have demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the requirements, the enrollment process and the evidence needed to earn PCMH Recognition.
  • Many state PCA coaches are CCEs.
  • Certified CCE Program and Directory.
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