
The Accreditation Process

The typical evaluation time frame for earning NCQA Virtual Care Accreditation is 12 months from application submission to decision. An organization that meets the criteria earns NCQA Accreditation.


  1. Learn the Requirements

    Download the NCQA Standards and Guidelines

    Begin learning the concept areas and required criteria.

    Review our online and in-person training, which can help you better understand the accreditation process and requirements.

  2. Enroll

    When you are familiar with the concepts and have started to transform, create a Q-PASS account at


  1. Kick-Off Call

    Once enrolled, NCQA assigns a representative to guide your organization through the accreditation process.

    Your Representative will schedule an initial call to introduce themselves, discuss the process and develop a review schedule of up to three check-ins over the course of your transformation work.

    If you have more than one site, your representative can provide you guidance on setting up site groups and sharing evidence across sites.

  2. Apply Virtual Care Standards

    Implement changes in your organization that align with Virtual Care standards.

    Decide which requirements you want to submit and how you want to demonstrate evidence.

    Use Q-PASS to upload evidence (such as policies and procedures). You may demonstrate other requirements in real time during the virtual review through screen-sharing technology. Screen-sharing technology eliminates the need to upload documentation in advance.

  3. Virtual Reviews

    Organizations have up to 3 virtual reviews using screen-sharing technology.

    Virtual reviews allow you to share your screen to show you meet NCQA Virtual Care requirements instead of submitting documentation.

    Virtual reviews give immediate and personalized feedback on what is going well and what needs to improve.



  1. Submit for Accreditation

    Submit for accreditation through Q-PASS.

    After virtual reviews are complete and you have met enough criteria to earn accreditation, submit for accreditation through Q-PASS.

  2. Earn Accreditation

    NCQA reviews the submission one last time and notifies organizations of their accreditation status.

    Once notified of accreditation, organizations go into Q-PASS and print their Accreditation Certificate.

  3. Annual Reporting

    Your organization performs ongoing quality improvement.

    Your organization submits evidence of this to NCQA during Annual Reporting to sustain accreditation and succeed as an accredited organization.

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