Virtual Care Accreditation Q&As

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What is Virtual Care Accreditation?

NCQA’s Virtual Care Accreditation is a roadmap to quality care, enabling better outcomes for organizations that deliver care through virtual modalities. This Accreditation highlights organizations that meet the standards for virtual care, and may facilitate alignment with value-based contracting agreements. By participating in this program, organizations will be uniquely positioned to identify gaps in their virtual programs, provide quality care for populations and report and track outcomes.

What are the requirements for Virtual Care Accreditation?

The Virtual Care Standards and Guidelines comprise five concepts: Quality and Patient Safety, Care Coordination, Equitable Access, Patient and Clinician Experience, Data Sharing and Exchange. Each concept includes criteria that must be met. Refer to Virtual Care concepts and criteria in the standards and guidelines, available for purchase in the NCQA store.

Where can I find the Standards and Guidelines?

You can download the Standards and Guidelines through the NCQA Store.

What organizations are eligible for Virtual Care Accreditation?

Virtual Only Organizations: Direct service providers that deliver care through virtual modalities only.

Hybrid Organizations/Systems: Direct service providers that deliver care through virtual and in-person modalities.

Health Plans and Other Organizations: Provide care delivery oversight and contract with direct service providers delivering care through virtual and in-person modalities.

What is the process for earning Virtual Care Accreditation?

To become NCQA Accredited, an organization learns the concepts and required criteria, and begins the transformation process. NCQA conducts online check-ins with the organization to gauge its progress and discuss next steps. View the complete Accreditation process here. (link to process page)

How long does it take to earn Virtual Care Accreditation?

The Accreditation process takes about 9–12 months from start to finish. You should enroll in Q-PASS about 6–9 months before the date when you want to have earned Accreditation.

How do I get started?

  1. Learn the requirements
    1. Download and review the NCQA Standards and Guidelines.
  2. Enroll
    1. When you are familiar with the concepts and have started the transformation, create a Q-PASS account at
  3. Kick-off call
    1. Once you enroll, NCQA assigns a representative to guide you through the Accreditation process.

Are there any documents or information that can help me get started?

Yes! Go to Get Started on the NCQA website for everything you need to move forward with the Virtual Care Accreditation process.

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