For CM 7, Element E, organizations must verify the license of clinical staff only in states where they provide services to patients.
CM 2020
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Yes, if the delegation agreement addresses the required information in the Explanation. The delegation agreement must specify:
CM 2023
No. The use of another entity’s software to collect credentialing information is not considered delegation unless the other entity also reviews the information on the organization's behalf. NCQA standards allow organizations to use software to collect credentialing information from approved sources, as long as organization staff document that the information was reviewed and verified.
CM 2023
No. The use of another entity’s evidence-based content within the organization’s case management system is not considered delegation if the organization maintains control over how the content is used and can customize it as needed. The evidence used to support the content must be cited.
CM 2020
Yes. Assessment and evaluation each require a case manager or a qualified individual to draw and document a conclusion about the data or information collected. Raw data or answers to questions do not meet the requirement; there must be a documented summary of the meaning or implications to the member’s situation, so data can be used in the case management plan.
The organization must draw a conclusion for each factor (unless otherwise stated in the explanation). This may be in separate summaries for each factor or in a combined summary, or in a combination of these.
CM 2019
No. After consideration, NCQA removed the requirement for case managers to address life-planning activities at the start of the initial assessment (first contact). This FAQ replaces the previous FAQ issued on October 15, 2017 (which has been deleted) regarding first contact, and the workbook has been adjusted to accommodate the change.
CM 2019
Yes. For non-file review requirements, if the arrangement was terminated more than 90 calendar days before submission of the completed survey tool, the organization is eligible for automatic credit for the portion of the look-back period when the NCQA-Accredited/ Certified/Recognized delegate conducted activities. For file review requirements, automatic credit is applied if the delegate processed (or handled) the file, regardless of when the delegation arrangement was terminated.
CM 2017
NCQA LTSS Distinction for Case Management Organizations is a complementary program designed to support organizations that provide comprehensive clinical case management services and coordinate social services for LTSS populations. The program standards provide a framework for organizations to deliver efficient, effective person-centered care that meets people’s needs, helps keep people in their preferred setting and aligns with state requirements.
CM 2017
Earning NCQA Accreditation of Case Management for LTSS can help organizations:
CM 2017