
FAQ Directory: Case Management

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11.15.2012 Eligibility for Case Management (CM) What organizations are eligible to pursue Case Management Accreditation?

NCQA considers entities that perform relevant functions to be eligible for NCQA CM Accreditation, including, but not limited to: CM organizations, population health management organizations, health plans (HP), managed behavioral healthcare organizations (MBHO), provider-based organizations– including medical groups, hospitals, integrated delivery systems, patient-centered medical homes (PCMH) and accountable care organizations (ACO), community care teams.

CM 2014

11.15.2012 Applicable factors for CM program If some factors are not applicable for our case management program, how would we address it to meet the requirements in CM 2, Element E: Initial Assessment?

For CM 2, Element E, which is a file review element, NCQA is looking for documentation of whether or not you completed the applicable activities listed in CM 2, Element D: Initial Assessment Process. For your program, you would note in your documentation that certain factors are not applicable for that particular patient population.

CM 2014

10.15.2012 Standards Does NCQA require specific certifications for organization staff?

While NCQA does not include in requirements that your staff to hold specific certifications for case management, NCQA does have standards requiring organizations to verifying licensure for clinical staff who are required to maintain a license. "Clinical staff" is defined as individuals who are licensed to treat patients. Organizations would determine which certifications are appropriate for staff serving their patient population.

CM 2014