
FAQ Directory: Physician and Hospital Quality Certification

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11.15.2012 Measure reliability If a plan demonstrates a different methodology for statistical validity, would the methodology be considered?

Element C, Define Methodology requires the organization to have a method for determining measurement error and measure reliability. Element D, Adhere to Key Principles sets requirements for minimum observations or levels of measure reliability or confidence intervalsas applicable for quality and cost, resource use or utilization measures. For calculating measure reliability for PHQ, the organization must use the method described in the Explanation in Element C under the subhead Measurement Error. Measure reliability is defined as the ratio of the variance between physicians to the variance within one physician, plus the variance between physicians. NCQA does not prescribe the method used to calculate confidence intervals because the appropriate method may vary based on the parameter (e.g., mean or proportion).

PHQ 2013

11.15.2010 Use of the term "days" within the Standards & Guidelines Do all references to "days" in the standards and guidelines mean "calendar days"?

Yes. Unless otherwise specified, all references to "days" in the standards and guidelines mean calendar days.

PHQ 2013