
Comment Letters

Our Public Policy team regularly submits comment letters to federal and state entities on a broad range of health care topics. Read our most recent comment letters below.

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  1. 11.13.2023

    NCQA Comments on HHS Proposed Rule on Discrimination on the Basis of Disability

    NCQA supports efforts to advance health equity for those with disabilities.

  2. 10.15.2023

    NCQA Responds to House Budget Committee Health Care Task Force RFI

    NCQA believes that reducing health care costs while improving patient outcomes requires innovation in both the delivery of care and payment approaches.

  3. 09.11.2023

    NCQA Comments on CMS’s Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment Systems Proposed Rule

    NCQA applauds CMS’s efforts to advance equity across all payment programs; supports expansion of intensive outpatient services and integration of behavioral health services in primary care settings; and encourages continued transition to digital quality measures.

  4. 09.11.2023

    NCQA Comments on CMS’s CY 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule

    NCQA highlights health equity, person-centered care, behavioral health care, and digital transformation in their comments on the CMS Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule.

  5. 08.29.2023

    NCQA Comments on CMS’s CY 2024 Home Health Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule

    NCQA makes recommendations for how CMS can incorporate health equity into their home health initiatives and highlights five HEDIS measures that could be used in the Home Health Quality Reporting Program.

  6. 08.17.2023

    NCQA Responds to CMS RFI: Episode-Based Payment Model

    NCQA provides comments on the CMS RFI in the following areas: care delivery and incentive structure alignment; quality measures, interoperability and multi-payer alignment; and health equity.

  7. 07.03.2023

    NCQA Comments on HCBS Access Rule

    NCQA highlights the advantages to states for leveraging NCQA LTSS programs to meet proposed CMS rules for HCBS access.

  8. 07.03.2023

    NCQA Comments on 2023 Medicaid Managed Care Proposed Rule

    NCQA supports CMS proposed rule to make it easier for states to leverage NCQA Health Plan Accreditation for non-duplication.

  9. 06.30.2023

    NCQA Comments on ONC’s USCDI+ Quality Draft Data Element List

    NCQA provides feedback on ONC’s draft data element list for USCDI+ Quality. NCQA intends to leverage the USCDI and USCDI+ Quality datasets in our digital future, and believes it is critical to keep the datasets consistent and coordinated with each other to ensure alignment of efforts and successful use of the datasets.

  10. 06.20.2023

    NCQA Comments on ONC’s Health Information Technology Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Certification Program Updates, Algorithm Transparency, and Information Sharing Proposed Rule

    NCQA highlights areas of alignment with ONC proposals, including those to accelerate USCDI adoption through USCDI v3 and provide interoperability transparency and reporting for EMR vendors.

  11. 04.27.2023

    NCQA Comments on ONC’s USCDI Draft v4

    NCQA is pleased to provide comments on the proposals and considerations outlined for USCDI version 4.

  12. 04.20.2023

    NCQA Comments on OMB’s Initial Proposals for Updating Race and Ethnicity Standards

    NCQA supports the expansion of race and ethnicity categories and encourages OMB to provide guidance on implementation to ensure data are meaningful and usable.