
Comment Letters

Our Public Policy team regularly submits comment letters to federal and state entities on a broad range of health care topics. Read our most recent comment letters below.

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  1. 03.29.2023

    NCQA Responds to Senate RFI for Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) Reauthorization

    NCQA encourages HHS to accelerate the move to a fully digital public health reporting ecosystem, with digital quality measures (dQMs) as a core component.

  2. 03.13.2023

    NCQA Comments on CMS’s Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization Processes proposed rule

    NCQA applauds CMS’s efforts to improve the exchange of health information; supports digitizing prior authorization as an opportunity to improve both patient and provider experience.

  3. 03.03.2023

    NCQA Responds to CMS’s CY 2024 Medicare Advantage Advance Notice

    NCQA applauds the establishment of the Universal Foundation across CMS; provides feedback on other changes and potential new measure concepts for the Medicare Advantage Star Ratings.

  4. 02.13.2023

    NCQA Responds to CMS’s CY 2024 Medicare Advantage Policy and Technical Changes Proposed Rule

    NCQA encourages adoption of Health Equity Accreditation in alignment with CMS’s goal to advance health equity in Medicare Advantage.

  5. 01.30.2023

    NCQA Comments on Proposed 2024 ACA Exchange/Marketplace Rules

    NCQA urges CMS to require Health Equity Accreditation for Exchange plans

  6. 12.22.2022

    NCQA Responds to CMS List of Screening Instruments for Housing Stability, Food Security, and Transportation Questions on Health Risk Assessments

    NCQA shares feedback on CMS’s new requirement for Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans to screen for social drivers of health.

  7. 12.12.2022

    NCQA Responds to CMS RFI on Establishing a National Directory of Healthcare Providers & Services

    NCQA shares feedback on CMS’s proposal to leverage emerging standards to increase accuracy and reliability of provider directories and help patients find providers that meet their individual care and cultural needs.

  8. 11.15.2022

    NCQA Responds to AHRQ RFI on Person-Centered Care Planning

    NCQA highlights person-centered outcome measures as a needed approach to improve the care planning process for individuals with multiple chronic conditions.

  9. 10.28.2022

    NCQA Responds to the House RFI on MACRA Reforms

    NCQA shares recommendations with members of Congress to strengthen the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA)

  10. 10.21.2022

    NCQA Comments on Medicaid Core Set Reporting

    NCQA provides recommendations to CMS for how to evolve the Medicaid Core Set reporting requirements and promote improvements in quality and reductions in disparities across the country.

  11. 10.03.2022

    NCQA Comments on White House OSTP Vision on Equitable Data

    We are pleased to provide comments on the opportunities for data to support the federal government’s efforts to identify inequitable health outcomes and establish systems for measuring health-related social needs.

  12. 09.06.2022

    NCQA Responds to CMS CY 2023 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule

    The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) thanks you for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule.