
Comment Letters

Our Public Policy team regularly submits comment letters to federal and state entities on a broad range of health care topics. Read our most recent comment letters below.

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  1. 11.16.2020

    NCQA Multicultural Health Care (MHC) Factsheet

    NCQA’s MHC Distinction helps health plans and other entities meet the urgent need to address disparities. Download Factsheet.

  2. 10.09.2020

    NCQA Comments to PTAC on Telehealth in APMs and PFPMs

    NCQA told PTAC that telehealth can be a critical tool in advancing a well-coordinated, patient-centered and value-optimized health care system and that value-based payment models are well-suited to leverage telehealth’s potential.

  3. 09.04.2020

    NCQA Comments on Patient Matching

    NCQA urges the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT to improve patient matching by working to establish unique patient identifiers.

  4. 08.31.2020

    NCQA supports ACL’s Strategic Framework for Action

    NCQA strongly supports ACL guidance, including best practices for states to use in integrating services and improving outcomes for older adults and people with disabilities.

  5. 06.12.2020

    NCQA Urges HHS to Fund Primary Care

    NCQA urges HHS Secretary Azar to provide immediate, targeted COVID-19 Provider Relief Funds to primary care practice.

  6. 05.31.2020

    NCQA Comments on CMS Maternal and Infant Health Care in Rural Communities RFI

    NCQA identifies important quality measures and other steps to improve the quality of rural maternal and infant health care.

  7. 05.26.2020

    NCQA Comments on CMS Interim Final COVID Rule

    NCQA strongly supports regulatory changes to expand telehealth and believes many should remain after this crisis ends. It also is critical to maintain the quality reporting and feedback infrastructure and assess the pandemics impact on quality.

  8. 05.13.2020

    NCQA Supports CDC’s Adapting Clinical Guidelines for the Digital Age Initiative

    NCQA support's the CDC's Adapting Clinical Guidelines for the Digital Age initiative to speed the advance of new clinical evidence to its implementation in practice.

  9. 03.04.2020

    NCQA Comments on ONC Health IT Strategic Plan

    NCQA supports this plan that will foster the interoperability and data governance needed for moving to digital quality measures (dQM).

  10. 12.10.2019

    NCQA Comments on OIG’s Proposed Anti-Kickback Rule Changes

    NCQA supports proposed changes to anti-kick rules for value-based payment arrangements.

  11. 12.10.2019

    NCQA Comments on Proposed Stark Rule Changes

    NCQA Supports changes to the Stark rule on physician self-referral for value-based payment arrangements.

  12. 10.24.2019

    NCQA Comments on National Vaccine Plan

    NCQA urges data standardization and validation and encouraging increased immunization information systems reporting