
Adherence to Antipsychotic Medications for Individuals With Schizophrenia (SAA)

Assesses adults 18 years of age and older who have schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder who were dispensed and remained on an antipsychotic medication for at least 80 percent of their treatment period.

Why It Matters

Schizophrenia is a chronic and disabling psychiatric disorder that requires ongoing treatment and monitoring. Symptoms include hallucinations, illogical thinking, memory impairment, and incoherent speech.1 Medication non-adherence is common and a major concern in the treatment of schizophrenia. Using antipsychotic medications as prescribed reduces the risk of relapse or hospitalization.2

Historical Results – National Averages

This State of Healthcare Quality Report classifies health plans differently than NCQA’s Quality Compass. HMO corresponds to All LOBs (excluding PPO and EPO) within Quality Compass. PPO corresponds to PPO and EPO within Quality Compass.

Figures do not account for changes in the underlying measure that could break trending. Contact Information Products via for analysis that accounts for trend breaks.


  1. American Psychiatric Association. Schizophrenia Fact Sheet.
  2. Busch, A. B., Lehman, A. F., Goldman, H., & Frank, R. G. (2009). Changes over time and disparities in schizophrenia treatment quality. Med Care, 47(2), 199-207.

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