
Avoidance of Antibiotic Treatment for Acute Bronchitis/Bronchiolitis (AAB)

Assesses adults 18–64 years of age with a diagnosis of acute bronchitis who were not dispensed an antibiotic prescription (a higher rate is better).

Why It Matters

Antibiotics cost the health care system billions of dollars each year and treating conditions such as acute bronchitis adds to the cost. Current guidelines recommend against antibiotic treatment for acute bronchitis in adults who are otherwise healthy,1,2 because overuse can lead to antibiotic resistance.3

Acute bronchitis almost always gets better on its own; therefore, adults who do not have other health problems should not take antibiotics. Ensuring the appropriate use of antibiotics for patients with acute bronchitis will help them avoid harmful side-effects and possible resistance to antibiotics over time.

Historical Results – National Averages


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2013. “Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work—Antibiotic Resistance Questions & Answers.”
  2. “Acute Cough Illness (Acute Bronchitis): Physician Information Sheet (Adults).”
  3. 2013. “Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work—Bronchitis (Chest Cold).”


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