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Blog Post/Podcast Presentation Recap: Quantifying COVID’s Disruption on SNF Care

Published 06.17.2021

People who care about quality and how to pay for it are interested in what happened at Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) during the pandemic’s early…

Blog Post/Podcast Presentation Recap: NCQA Finds Trends in Timely Follow-Up After Hospitalization

Published 06.17.2021

COVID-19 presented many challenges for medical professionals when providing care to patients – including discharge timely follow-up visits after hospitalizations but with telehealth, some of…

Blog Post/Podcast NCQA Responds to CMS Plans for All-Digital Quality Future

Published 07.06.2021

The world learned a million lessons during the COVID-19 pandemic, but one of the most obvious was that our public health data infrastructure is severely…

Blog Post/Podcast Digital Quality Summit: FHIR for Dummies (or the Forgetful)

Published 07.15.2021

Fast Healthcare Interoperable Resources (FHIR) comes up a lot in discussions of digital quality measurement. But how many people who work in quality can say…

Blog Post/Podcast Kickoff: NCQA President Opens Digital Quality Summit

Published 07.15.2021

The Digital Quality Summit is underway. The three-day event kicked off with an exciting opening session including opening remarks from NCQA’s president and founder, Peggy…

Blog Post/Podcast Person-Centered Outcomes: Opportunities for Your Quality Measurement

Published 08.02.2021

There is consensus. Using measures to ascertain the quality of delivered health care is a good thing. However, there are concerns too. Are there too…

Blog Post/Podcast HEDIS 2022: See What's New, What's Changed and What's Retired

Published 08.03.2021

Every year, NCQA updates and releases the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®). This process ensures that HEDIS measures remain relevant and feasible for implementation.…

Blog Post/Podcast Hospital at Home: 7 Lessons

Published 08.11.2021

One of July’s most popular Quality Innovation Series webinars was Hospital at Home: A Leading Care Model for the Future? Four enthusiastic and knowledgeable leaders…

Blog Post/Podcast Inside Health Care #61: NCQA Torda Fellow Kevin Wiley & Crunching Data for Care Coordination

Published 08.26.2021

Kevin Wiley, NCQA’s new Phyllis Torda Health Care Quality and Equity Fellow, researches solutions for improving care delivery and coordination for minority communities. Kevin chats…

Blog Post/Podcast Inside Health Care #60: Dr. Shantanu Nundy and the Lessons Learned from COVID

Published 08.26.2021

Dr. Shantanu Nundy traveled the world, working with local communities dealing with the COVID pandemic as best they could. Over the years, he's helped launch…

Blog Post/Podcast California Again Commits to NCQA Health Plan Accreditation

Published 09.03.2021

We have a huge development to tell you about from the Golden State! It's official. NCQA is the health plan accreditor for California. Quality Improvement…

Blog Post/Podcast Inside Health Care #63: Vanessa Guzman and the Revelations of the Pandemic

Published 09.22.2021

A frequent guest on this podcast, SmartRise Health CEO Vanessa Guzman chats with NCQA’s Matt Brock…