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Blog Post/Podcast Data Aggregator Validation Launches: Helps Ensure Accurate Clinical Data

Published 08.12.2021

It's good to be on board. Healthcare's digital revolution is well underway, and NCQA has launched a new program that helps organizations ensure clinical data…

Blog Post/Podcast Medicaid Innovation in North Carolina: A Fireside Discussion

Published 11.10.2021

A systems thinker. That’s how NCQA’s president Margaret (Peggy) O’Kane describes North Carolina’s Secretary for Health and Human Services, Dr. Mandy Cohen. Secretary Mandy Cohen and Peggy O’Kane sat down for…

Blog Post/Podcast Measuring Quality of Health Systems, Genomic Medicine

Published 01.10.2022

A new NCQA measure development project unifies three futuristic topics: Genomic-based cancer care. Using electronic clinical data to study quality. Assessing the quality of health…

Blog Post/Podcast Inside Health Care #71: Dr. Chere Gregory and Dr. Nneka Sederstrom on Beginning the Journey of NCQA's Health Equity Accreditation Programs

Published 01.19.2022

NCQA launched its Health Equity Accreditation program late last year. In another exciting development, it’s  launched a pilot version of Health Equity Accreditation Plus, designed…

Blog Post/Podcast A Streamlined Path to HEDIS Retirement

Published 09.28.2017

  This summer, NCQA piloted a streamlined process to allow for quicker retirement of HEDIS measures. We looked across HEDIS to…

Blog Post/Podcast A Learning Collaborative: Innovations in Data Collection

Published 09.18.2017

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn," that quote…

Blog Post/Podcast Heads Up: HEDIS® Public Comment Starts Soon

Published 06.21.2017

At NCQA, we strive to ensure that HEDIS® health plan performance measures are relevant and feasible, and that they continuously push the health care system…

Blog Post/Podcast Q-PASS Passes the Test

Published 05.23.2017

As you know, the recognition redesign was a complete reset of NCQA’s PCMH Recognition program. We changed how practices earn recognition, and how long recognition…

Blog Post/Podcast HEDIS® Learning Collaborative and ECDS Google Hangout

Published 03.08.2017

On February 23, 2017, NCQA hosted a google hangout to share experiences and findings from the HEDIS® Learning Collaborative. It was a huge success with…

Blog Post/Podcast Public Policy Roundup

Published 08.22.2016

NCQA gives a rundown of the best national, state and private sector health care articles from the week. Here are our picks for today’s Public…

Blog Post/Podcast NCQA Releases Directory Highlighting Initiatives Supporting NCQA PCMH Recognition

Published 07.28.2016

As the importance of patient-centered care continues to gain validity, there is a wealth of assistance for practices that want to transform their sites—and now,…

Blog Post/Podcast Don't Delay: Comment On Our Proposed PCMH Standards Now

Published 07.06.2016

If you have been keeping up with our blog posts, you know that a big change is occurring at NCQA. A big change that will…