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FAQ How many files are reviewed in a UM-CR-PN Survey for Accredited MBHOs?

Last modified 09.15.2022

For UM Accreditation, 75 files are reviewed per product line.  For CR Accreditation, 75 initial credentialing files and 75 recredentialing files are reviewed.  Note: For…

FAQ Have the allowed methods to audit delegate files in CVO 15, Element C, factor 5 changed?

Last modified 06.15.2022

No. Delegate files may be audited using one of the following methods as described in the factor explanation and noted below: 5 percent or 50…

FAQ Have the allowed methods to audit delegate files in UM 13, Element C, factor 5 changed?

Last modified 02.15.2022

No. Delegate files may be audited using one of the following methods as described in the factor explanation and noted below: 5 percent or 50…

FAQ Have the allowed methods to audit delegate files in UM 12, Element C, factor 5 changed?

Last modified 02.15.2022

No. Delegate files may be audited using one of the following methods as described in the factor explanation and noted below: 5 percent or 50…

FAQ Have the allowed methods to audit delegate files in CR 8, Element C, factor 5 changed?

Last modified 02.15.2022

No. Delegate files may be audited using one of the following methods as described in the factor explanation and noted below: 5 percent or 50…

FAQ What is the corrective action process for organizations that do not meet a must-pass element?

Last modified 12.15.2020

A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is required when an organization does not meet the minimum threshold for one or more must-pass elements. The CAP must…

FAQ Has NCQA issued guidance about exceptions or modifications to NCQA programs and requirements in response to the coronavirus?

Last modified 03.26.2020

Yes. NCQA posted guidance for HEDIS reporting and Accreditation/Recognition programs at NCQA is monitoring the effects of the coronavirus on our customers; we will…

FAQ Is there a resource that outlines the 2020 HPR methodology, including the list of HEDIS and CAHPS measures required for Accreditation?

Last modified 10.15.2019

The structure of Accreditation scoring is changing, beginning with Health Plan Accreditation 2020 and the 2020 HEDIS reporting year, when Accreditation and Health Plan Ratings…

FAQ What is the Health Plan Medicaid Module?

Last modified 08.29.2018

NCQA Health Plan Medicaid Module is a complementary program designed to support NCQA-Accredited health plans with a Medicaid product line. The combination of the module…