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Blog Post/Podcast Inside Health Care #113: Fee-Based vs. Value-Based Care and Careful Credentialing this episode of “Inside Health Care,” we chat with a prominent NCQA board member about flipping fee-for-service models to value-based models, all in order…
Blog Post/Podcast Learn About Long-Term Services and Supports’ve updated our Long-Term Services and Supports programs, effective for surveys beginning on or after July 1, 2024. Our recent webinar, How States Can Leverage…
Blog Post/Podcast Top 3 Reasons to Give Your Feedback! Public Comment Period is Open! of our work at NCQA involves public input. We rely on health…
Blog Post/Podcast NCQA State Briefing Series: Centralized Credentialing is excited to announce our fall state briefing series to share insight on our programs supporting quality oversight activities. NCQA experts and guest speakers…
Blog Post/Podcast Movements in Medicaid: Tennessee Ties Quality to Payments states work diligently to improve the quality of health care, and we want our programs to help guide their mission. Specifically, states can leverage…
Blog Post/Podcast Inside Health Care: Creating a Healthy Population does it mean to create a healthy population? It means not just treating patients for their specific illnesses but taking into account their whole…
Blog Post/Podcast NCQA Policy Team Responds to Proposed Changes to Medicare Advantage you missed NCQA’s letter to Seema Verma, CMS Administrator, about proposed changes to Medicare Advantage and other programs for 2019, here’s a quick summary.…
Blog Post/Podcast Guiding the Way to Population Health health is at the core of most of our work at NCQA. We know coordinating people's health care is key to enhancing the experience…
Blog Post/Podcast Inside Health Care Episode #004: Tricia Barrett, Managing Population Health does it mean to create a healthy population? It means not just treating patients for their specific illnesses but taking into account their whole…
Blog Post/Podcast Strengthening Care for Vulnerable Populations with Quality Measures the country, budget shortfalls have put pressure on state Medicaid programs that provide most publicly funded long-term service and supports (LTSS). Simultaneously, many people…
Blog Post/Podcast Caring for the Seriously Ill - An Academy to Share Best Practices It's where most of us want to be as we age, become seriously ill or have difficulty getting around. Home is where most of…
Blog Post/Podcast Kansas Medicaid Managed Care: Raising the Quality Bar – Includes NCQA LTSS Distinction! than 5 million people receive long-term services and supports (LTSS) in Medicaid. Around the world, more and more people need long-term services and supports…