
RWE, dQMs & the Virtuous Circle of the LHS – Case Example from a Content Producer

Interoperable, Reusable Content – Case Example from a Content Producer: Cervical Cancer Screening and Management Computable Guidelines

Demonstrating interoperable, reusable content from the perspective of a content producer, the panel will present a CDC-sponsored project to develop cervical cancer screening and management computable guidelines based on CPG-on-FHIR®. Specifically, the panel will describe how multiple clinical guidelines in cervical cancer screening and management from the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) were developed into a faithful computable representation (i.e., computable guideline). The panel will then show how the computable guideline content was reused for clinical decision support (CDS) and electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs). Challenges for CDS and eCQM implementation related to unstructured data from external systems (e.g., pathology information systems) and opportunities for future improvements will also be addressed.