

Electronic Quality Reporting for States:
A Roadmap for Moving Forward

In July 2019 NCQA & HL7 hosted the 3rd Annual Digital Quality Summit with nearly 400 attendees from across the health care spectrum. Over the three-day Summit, participants discussed ways to advance the movement to digital quality measurement that extracts needed data from electronic health records, health information exchanges, registries and other electronic sources. This can reduce reporting burden, improve accuracy of results, and measure more of what matters with the rich clinical data in electronic sources.

An Electronic Quality Reporting for States Summit track focused on varying and, to date, largely uncoordinated state efforts to move to digital reporting. Attendees representing states, insurers, providers, technology firms and consultants explored progress, common challenges, and key steps for moving forward.

Based on this discussion NCQA staff drafted Electronic Quality Reporting for States, A Roadmap for Moving Forward. This brief white paper summarizes the discussion and lays out what participants agreed are seven key take-aways for advancing state digital reporting efforts:

  1. Communicate Better.
  2. Include All Stakeholders from the Start.
  3. Narrow the Scope.
  4. Build the Business Case.
  5. Demonstrate Success
  6. Share Best Practices.
  7. Strengthen Trust.
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