

Improving Osteoporosis Care

Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease that is most common in postmenopausal women but can occur in women of any age, and in men. Although individuals may not know they have osteoporosis until they break a bone, recognition of the risk factors for osteoporosis—including sex, race, age, family history, other medical conditions and use of certain medications—could lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment.

In January 2022, NCQA convened a group of experts for a roundtable discussion to help drive improvements in the quality of care for adults with osteoporosis. Identification of obstacles to care and their solutions could improve primary prevention of osteoporosis through screening and management after a diagnosis or fracture.

This white paper, Improving Osteoporosis Care, includes strategies to improve osteoporosis screening and management, focusing on:

  • Access to screening and treatment.
  • Provider support.
  • Shared decision-making.
  • Multidisciplinary, team-based care.
  • Performance incentives.

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The Osteoporosis Roundtable and Improving Osteoporosis Care were supported by Amgen.


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