

Keys to Success in Meeting the Demand
for Value in Health Care

What essential capabilities do population health management providers need to meet the demand for value-based care?

Development of a comprehensive population health management strategy is critical to an organization’s ability to drive outcome improvements and to succeed under value-based payment models.

Over the last decade, federal, state and private sector activities have driven population health management and value-based care to the forefront of health care. Public purchasers, such as Medicare and state Medicaid programs, and employers have created incentives to contain costs, improve health care quality and meet or exceed population health goals.

The recent NCQA white paper, Population Health Management: Meeting the Demand for Value-Based Care, covers topics that are fundamental to the foundation of a population health management program.

Learn about:

  • Factors driving adoption of population health management among health care organizations.
  • Trends that help organizations succeed in value-based care arrangements.
  • Effective population health management strategies that deliver value.
  • Population health management best practices.
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