

Social Determinants of Health Resource Guide

The NCQA Social Determinants of Health Resource Guide is a reference for health plans, clinically integrated networks, and clinicians to design and implement strategies that address social determinants of health (SDOH) for commercially insured populations.

The SDOH Resource Guide centers around SDOH strategy and is organized into six sections:

1. Assessment Design.
2. SDOH Data.
3. Data Sharing, Integration and Quality.
4. Collaboration with Community-Based Organizations.
5. Measurement and Evaluation.
6. Quality Improvement.

The guide features “in-the-field” examples that highlight real-world strategies and initiatives health plans and clinically integrated networks are implementing to address SDOH. It also describes how NCQA addresses SDOH through its programs.

Although value-based payment arrangements and incentives are less common for the commercially insured population, commercial health plans and clinically integrated networks have a unique opportunity to address SDOH. These organizations are realizing the impact of SDOH on health outcomes and health equity and are developing initiatives and programs to meet their population’s needs.

Download the Resource Guide today by filling out the form on the right.

Sponsorship Support

NCQA created the SDOH Resource Guide in sponsorship with Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC.

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