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11.15.2012 Collaborative data Must organizations include collaborative data for certification?

If the organization is seeking certification on a program that is part of a collaborative, those measures must be included.

PHQ 2013

11.15.2012 Relative Resource Use (RRU) Measures Are HEDIS RRU measures appropriate for PQ 1 Element B?

No. HEDIS RRU measures are specified for assessment at the plan level, not for measurement of individual physician performance.

PHQ 2013

11.15.2012 Methodology for evaluation of cost measures What constitutes an acceptable methodological approach to evaluation of cost?

NCQA does not prescribe the cost measures an organization selects, though it requires an organization to specify all aspects of its methodology (Element C). In addition, the organization must risk-adjust its measures (Element C, factor 8) and must meet the minimum statistical requirements for measurement error and measure reliability (PQ1 Element D, factor 2).

PHQ 2013

11.15.2012 Attribution Do the NQF or HEDIS provider-level measurement specifications define attribution? For example, to whom to attribute performance: the diagnosing MD, prescribing MD, provider with most encounters and so on? If not, does this not result in variation?

Neither NQF nor HEDIS provider-level measures specifications require a specific attribution method, although HEDIS measures provide options for an organization to consider. While this might result in variation from one organization to another, there is currently no single industry standard method for attribution.

PHQ 2013

11.15.2012 Defining "Taking Action" Is there a new definition of taking action in the 2013 PHQ Standards?

Yes. In prior versions of PHQ, NCQA required organizations to include all programs that met the definition of taking action in the survey, NCQA had a narrower definition. Because under PHQ 2013 organization chooses which programs to include or exclude in a PHQ survey, NCQA has broadened the definition so that if it chooses, an organization may opt to have programs certified that may not have been required under the prior PHQ.

For PHQ 2013, NCQA has defined taking action as: 1) Publicly reporting performance on quality or cost, resource use or utilization; 2) Using performance on quality or cost, resource-use or utilization measures as a basis for network design (such as tiering) or benefit design; 3) Using performance on quality or cost, resource-use or utilization measures to allocate rewards under a systematic, pay-for-performance program; 4) Reporting performance on quality, cost, resource use or utilization to physicians to support referral decisions.

If an organization is interested in certification for a program that includes actions not include an action defined above, it should contact NCQA to determine eligibility.

PHQ 2013

11.15.2012 Working with Physicians Our organization posts the results of our physician measurement program on our directory on January 1 and any tiered networks or differential benefits are effective that same date. We make the results available to members by request (e.g. the member can call an 800 number to ask about a physicians status in the tiered network) on December 1. Which date _ January 1 or December 1 _ does NCQA consider the action date for the purposes of calculating whether we notify physicians 45 days ahead of action and resolve requests for corrections or changes before taking action?

If information is available to the public–even if it is only available by request–NCQA considers this to be public reporting. Therefore, in this scenario the taking action date is December 1.

PHQ 2013

10.16.2012 Comprehensive Diabetes Care Can CPT Category II code 4010F be used to identify ACE inhibitor/ARB therapy for the Medical Attention for Nephropathy indicator?

Yes, CPT Category II code 4010F (Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) therapy prescribed or currently being taken) can be used to identify ACE inhibitor/ARB therapy (Table CDC-K) for the Medical Attention for Nephropathy indicator for HEDIS 2014 reporting.

HEDIS 2013

10.16.2012 General Guidelines What is the difference between "required" exclusions and "optional" exclusions?

Required exclusions identify members who must be excluded from the measure, regardless of numerator compliance. They are listed as part of the eligible population criteria because members who meet the required exclusion criteria are removed when identifying the denominator of the measure. Optional exclusions should only be used to remove members that did not meet the measure's numerator criteria. Organizations may choose to apply optional exclusions, which are listed separately at the end of the measure specification, or may choose not to apply the exclusions.

HEDIS 2013

10.15.2012 Standards If some factors are not applicable for our case management program, how would we address it to meet the requirements in CM 2, Element E: Initial Assessment?

For CM 2, Element E, which is a file review element, NCQA is looking for documentation of whether or not you completed the applicable activities listed in CM 2, Element D: Initial Assessment Process. For your program, you would note in your documentation that certain factors are not applicable for that particular patient population.

10.15.2012 NHPs going through Full Survey after June 30, 2013. With the change to three Evaluation Options in 2013, what are New Health Plans required to do in their first Full Survey?

Beginning July 1, 2013 New Health Plans will be required to undergo the Renewal Evaluation Option in their first Full Survey. Prior to June 30, 2013, New Health Plan will undergo the Initial Survey as their first Full Survey. The look-back period for the survey will be 12 months.

10.15.2012 Standards Does NCQA require specific certifications for organization staff?

While NCQA does not include in requirements that your staff to hold specific certifications for case management, NCQA does have standards requiring organizations to verifying licensure for clinical staff who are required to maintain a license. "Clinical staff" is defined as individuals who are licensed to treat patients. Organizations would determine which certifications are appropriate for staff serving their patient population.

CM 2014

10.15.2012 Excluding ER denial files from the UM denial file review With the elimination of the ER file review (UM 12, Elements B and C), will ER denial files be included in the UM denial file review for UM 4 - 7?

ER denial files will not be included in the UM denial file review (UM 4 – 7); however, appeals of ER denials will be included in the Appeals file review (UM 9).