Organizations are responsible for reporting NCQA WHP performance measure results exactly as specified if they are seeking AWPR status. Organizations must submit performance measure results to NCQA and attain a score of 50% or higher on WHP 12, Element A.
In order to retain AWPR status, organizations must annually submit performance measure results. Organizations that are NCQA Accredited in Wellness and Health Promotion and want to upgrade to AWPR status must submit measure results by the next annual reporting date (April 15) in any year during the accreditation cycle.
Organizations typically complete the WHP Performance Measures Reporting Tool, an Excel workbook. They send the workbook to an NCQA-Certified Auditor to have their measure results audited before submission. The auditor completes the audit worksheet in the Reporting Tool and locks the workbook, the returns the workbook to the organization, which subsequently submits the tool to NCQA.
ALL 2013