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11.17.2008 Taking action on cost measures Is an organization prohibited from using cost efficiency if quality results are not available?

Yes. The organization may not take action based on cost, resource use or utilization results alone. This is a must pass requirement for certification and is consistent with the Consumer-Purchaser Disclosure Project Patient Charter.

The organization is required to consider quality in conjunction with cost, resource use or utilization when it takes action. To the extent that the organization develops and presents a composite score or rating using cost, resource use or utilization and quality measures, it must disclose the specific measures for each category and their relative weight when it determines the composite or rating.

11.17.2008 Physician requests For PHQ 1 Element G, could a collaborative manage the process?

Yes. PHQ requirements do not prohibit a collaborative from managing a request for corrections or changes made by physicians, but the organization remains accountable and responsible for responding to complaints from consumers and to requests for changes from physicians or hospitals based on actions taken by the organization.

11.17.2008 Relative Resource Use (RRU) Measures Are HEDIS RRU measures appropriate for PHQ 1 Element B?

No. HEDIS RRU measures are specified for assessment at the plan level, not for measurement of individual physician performance.

11.17.2008 Risk adjustment How is risk adjustment defined for quality measures?

Case-mix adjustment considers variations in the health of physicians populations, often defined by age and gender. Severity is a patients degree of illness for a specific mix of conditions (e.g., cancer stages), morbidity or comorbidity. Together, case mix and severity are often called risk. Risk can be either the risk for needing a mix of medical services (utilization and associated costs) or the patients likelihood of achieving a specific level of quality-related outcome.

Risk adjustment may not apply to quality measures, particularly process measures. For quality measures, NCQA requires the organization to demonstrate that it has considered whether to risk-adjust measuresand that it has an explicit methodology if it does and an explicit rationale if it does not. If the organization determines that case-mix and severity adjustment do not apply to a quality measure, it provides documentation that supports the determination. If the organization adjusts measures for case-mix or severity, it provides documentation describing the methodology used.

11.17.2008 Standardized measures What counts in the denominator for standardized measuresall measures on which action is taken, or all quality measures on which action is taken?

For Element A, the denominator is all quality measures on which the action is based and the numerator is measures that meet the definition of standardized in the Explanation.

11.17.2008 Productivity measures Are productivity measures within scope? For example, number of visits per half day: does NCQA classify this as a utilization measure or as something else?

No. Productivity measures are out of scope for the 2008 PHQ standards. Quality, cost, resource use and utilization measures are in scope if the organization takes action based on them.

11.17.2008 Working with hospitals on reporting For PHQ 2, Element E, are plans required to share results, explain how they are used and get feedback from hospitals ONLY if they report the results in a format different from the primary data source. Is this NA if we only provide links to the data?

Factors 1 and 2 are NA if the organization does not change the format of its results from the primary data source. Factors 3 and 4 always apply and are scored irrespective of factors 1 and 2.

11.17.2008 Changing measure specifications With regard to patient experience measures, may we use items from CAHPS-CG but change the referent time period? For example, not rating the last 12 months, but rating the last visit and changing the response categories accordingly?

No. Changing the referent time period materially alters the measure and would therefore not qualify as a standard measure for Element A.

Patient experience measures endorsed, developed or accepted by the NQF, AQA, AMA PCPI, national accreditors or government agencies may be used, but the organization must follow the measure or instrument specifications as written.

11.17.2008 Survey Pricing If we go through provisional certification and are then required to go through full certification within 12 months, does our organization get a reduced price?

No. Survey prices apply to each discrete survey; NCQA does not apply credit forward to a future survey. Survey pricing reflects the amount and level of resources NCQA dedicates to evaluating an organization and at the time of the Full Certification Survey, NCQA must re-evaluate the organization on all requirements.

11.17.2008 PHQ and HP Accreditation When will the PHQ standards be folded in to the health plan accreditation standards?

NCQA has not made a decision about incorporating the PHQ standards into health plan accreditation. Should NCQA decide to do so, it will put such a proposal out for Public Comment.

11.17.2008 Measure requirements Regarding standardized measures, will the requirement of 70% of measures being standardized increase over time or will it be held constant?

NCQA has not decided. All products are periodically evaluated and proposed changes are published for Public Comment before updates are released.

11.17.2008 Certification time limits How long does certification last?

Certification in PHQ, PQ or HQ is valid for two years. Organizations must undergo a survey against the standards at least every two years to maintain their certification status. Provisional Certification is valid for 12 months; it is a temporary option and will not be offered after June 30, 2009.